But that is exactly what happened to one woman who has taken to TikTok to share how, while grieving her husband, she had to have some difficult conversations with the mistress that he hid from his wife and two daughters.

The TikToker revealed that she was left to tell her husband’s mistress that he had passed away.

In a video that has been viewed over 1.7 million times, Bridgette Davis writes “When your husband of 10 years dies and you have to tell his mistress.” RELATED: Woman Won’t Allow Husband To Go To Funeral Of The Baby He Fathered With A Mistress The messages are from five years ago during what was obviously a very troubling time for Davis. She tells her husband’s mistress about his passing, and naturally, she responded with her grief.     “F—. I can’t believe this. I can’t, I’m losing it,” said the mistress. “I can’t do this again. He promised me. Can I go to where he was buried?” A short, sweet “No” from Davis sparked an exorbitant amount of controversy as viewers debated whether or not Davis had a fair reaction to the other woman in her husband’s life. “Seems like you told her just so you could be mean to her and not let her go visit…. Either be nice or move on,” read a surprisingly critical comment on the post. “You should tell her where he’s buried. She lost a love too. He wrecked your relationship, not her,” read another. Loss and grief are two of the strongest emotions any human has to go through, so it’s understandable why these people feel like the mistress might be deserving of her own grief and loss, but kindness can be measured and context allows for a fresher perspective on the morality of her “No.” However, Davis followed up with an explanation revealing one key detail that may change opinions.

The mistress knew Davis’s husband was married.

Davis shared a video in response to a comment on one of the threads that read “but did she KNOW? That is pretty important.” To which many would agree that yes, it is important. The blame for cheating shouldn’t be placed on someone who didn’t know the other person was in a relationship — that wasn’t the case.     “You know he was my husband for 10 years right?” she texted the mistress in the same conversation. “That we have two amazing kids together? That I homeschool?” RELATED: Personal Trainer Catches Wife Cheating On Him With A Homeless Man & Drags Him Out Of Car Her response was “He said 14 or 16?” So not only did she know that they were married, but she knew that they had been together for even longer and continued their relationship despite how wrong it was. In reply to one another comment, Davis also revealed that the woman actually only knew her husband for three months before his passing. Not to invalidate the mistress’s love for Davis’s husband, but three months of an adulterous relationship vs 10 years of marriage and 16 years together do not compare. She also clarified that she couldn’t let her go to where he was buried because he was cremated and placed in an urn inside of her bedroom.

Fortunately, Davis is doing her best to heal from the situation.

Davis explained in a series of TikToks that her husband suffered from mental health issues for years that caused some of the toughest times in their marriage all the way up until the moment he passed away. She says that since she is an adult who is trying to raise two “beautiful” daughters, she will not disclose any more about the mistress, but told the story of the final months she spent with her husband where everything came to light. Unfortunately, her husband lost his battle with depression but she continues forward trying to give her daughters the best life they can have. RELATED: Woman Wonders If She Is Wrong For Refusing To Babysit Child Her Husband Fathered While Having An Affair Isaac Serna-Diez is a writer who focuses on entertainment and news, social justice, and politics. Follow him on Twitter here.