You might already have calculated your Life Path Number, as well as the other core numbers in your numerology chart, but numerology is also the key to your self-expression.

What is an Expression Number?

Your name can show how you portray yourself to the world. Although this isn’t just a matter of how others see you, your Expression Number also reflects the goals in your life and what you set out to achieve. Your Expression Number reveals your innate potential, and is a number that aims to help you achieve your goals and dreams. That’s why it is sometimes called your Destiny Number. RELATED: What Your Soul Urge / Heart’s Desire Number Means + How To Find It Your Expression/Destiny Number can provide clues to your talents and skills, as well as your challenges. A careful analysis of your name can point you toward your career, personal goals, and any other aspirations you may have.

How to Calculate Your Expression Number

Your Expression Number is based on your full name at birth. When calculating your Expression Number, there’s no need to add any prefixes or suffixes that you might use (such as Dr., Sr., Jr., Rev., for example). If you have more than one middle name, use all of them in your analysis. Calculating your Expression Number isn’t hard, but it does take a bit of math. But your Destiny Number is the sum of the numerical values assigned to each letter in your name. First, you’ll need to write out your full name in its entirety, assigning a number to each letter of the alphabet: 1 = A, J, S 2 = B, T, K 3 = L, C, U 4 = M, D, V 5 = N, E, W 6 = O, F, X 7 = P, G, Y 8 = Q, H, Z 9 = R, I Then, assign a numerical value to each letter: In this example, we will use the name JENNIFER MARIE SMITH. JENNIFER = 1 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 9 + 6 + 5 + 9 MARIE = 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 5 SMITH = 1 + 4 + 9 + 2 + 8 Add the numbers from each individual name: JENNIFER = 45 = 4 + 5 = 9 MARIE = 28 + 2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 SMITH = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6 9 + 1 + 6 = 16 = 1 + 6 = Expression/Destiny Number 7 The only exceptions here will be if one of your names add up to a Master Number of 11, 22 or 33. In that instance, don’t reduce it to a single digit number or root number. RELATED: What Your Psychic Number Means & How It Determines Your True Desires

Expression Number Meanings

Once you find your Expression Number, you can understand the specific traits associated with it. Your Destiny Number may be the driving force that helps set you on your life path.

Expression Number 1

People with Expression Number 1 are extremely capable of managing others, and can lead effortlessly and successfully. Even though they’re great leaders, they’re still quite capable of working independently. Expression Number 1 enjoys new ideas, and things that are mundane irritate them. They’re simply not exciting enough! Their style is as individual as they are, presenting themselves in a unique, yet classical, way.

Expression Number 2

People with Expression Number 2 have a congeniality that makes it easy for them to work with others. They like harmony and strive to avoid discord whenever possible. Preventing conflict is easy for them to bring out the best in people. Expression Number 2 has an intuition that enables them to understand others, and they can stay one step ahead of most people. Their style might be a bit plain, so they shouldn’t be afraid to experiment.

Expression Number 3

People seek the company of Expression Number 3 because of how fun they are. They ooze charisma and bring life to any social gathering. They’re optimistic, bright, and are skilled conversationalists able to talk about nearly any subject. They must be careful that they don’t come off as being superficial because their natural exuberance often makes them a bit restless. Their personal style reflects the finer things in life.

Expression Number 4

Expression Number 4 brings a strong foundation to any plan or project. They’re conservative, preferring the tried and true methods of doing things. People feel that Expression Number 4 is reliable and has a way of reassuring people, no matter the situation. They’re so poised and calm that they come across as very serious to others. They might want to try adding an odd quirk to their surroundings. Above all, they must not forget how to have fun.

Expression Number 5

Expression Number 5 is energetic, fashionable, and loves to be the center of attention; sometimes, they don’t realize they’re acting this way. Others warm to their creativity and spontaneity, and they may possibly be a bit luckier than most people. Expression Number 5 needs to keep an eye on their energy levels; they fluctuate and their nerves might get the better of them. Bright and bold things suit them, but they shouldn’t get too brash or immodest with them. RELATED: The Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing Triple Numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999

Expression Number 6

People with Expression Number 6 ooze warmth and compassion, and people like to talk to them because they are good listeners. They prefer comfort over style, and this is reflected in their home decor and clothing choices. Expression Number 6 is sincere and genuine, but they need to make sure others don’t take advantage of it. They must remember to take time for themselves and not be everything for everyone. If they don’t, they risk stifling their own talents.

Expression Number 7

For people with Expression Number 7, others find them a bit of an enigma; they are aloof and slightly detached. It could be because they’re mysterious… or maybe they’re daydreaming. They’re drawn to research, philosophy, and the paranormal. Expression Number 7 is very sure of themselves most of the time, but must be careful that they don’t come across as arrogant. Their sense of style can be a bit haphazard; a bit more attention to detail wouldn’t hurt in this area.

Expression Number 8

Expression Number 8 is confident and self-reliant and doesn’t usually care what others think about them. They find the human psyche intriguing and will probe others’ minds to see what makes them tick. They prefer quality over quantity, but might be a bit vain about their appearance and possessions. Although Expression Number 8 is usually willing to share what they have with others, they need to keep their ego in check.

Expression Number 9

People with Expression Number 9 have grace and poise that are reflected in their surroundings and the way they present themselves. They love to entertain; in fact, that may even be their chosen profession, either as a performer or working in the hospitality industry. Expression Number 9 is idealistic and feels genuine compassion for humanity, but on a one-to-one level, they often find some people annoying. That works both ways; there are people who really like them, and people who really don’t.

Expression Number 11

Expression Number 11 marks the presence of both integrity and naivety. Patience and understanding flow from them, and people are drawn to these individuals because of it. They could be psychic or a healer, but they must learn how to use these gifts or they’ll cause overwhelm. Their style is reserved since they don’t like to be the center of attention. People might mistake Expression Number 11 as being aloof or standoffish, but it’s only because of their reserved demeanor and calm personality.

Expression Number 22

Expression Number 22 dreams big — and they have the ability to achieve anything they set their mind to. They’re reliable and consistent, and it’s easy for people to admire them. They’re patient and fair and put people at ease. Expression Number 22, also known as the Master Builder, is a good mediator and diplomat because they tend to err on the side of conservatism. But they shouldn’t hesitate to add some color to their surroundings.

Expression Number 33

Extremely rare, Expression Number 33 is intelligent, intuitive and generous by nature. They not only care about the people around them, but the world, as a whole. They are also intensely creative and dedicate their purpose in life to expressing themselves. These individuals are nurturing and are deeply insightful as to how the world around them thrives. Expression Number 33, also known as the Master Teacher, is a source of immense knowledge, but must take time to unburden themselves from the problems of others. RELATED: What It Means When You See Numbers In Your Dreams Astrology Answers provides content, products, and programs that unlock the path to self-discovery and enhance your personal transformation. No matter where you are on your journey, a new idea can elevate your quality of life. This article was originally published at Astrology Answers. Reprinted with permission from the author.