Most people are familiar with the idea of there being a barrier between our world and heaven. It is often referred to as being “the veil”. This boundary holds us in an idea of time and space. Meanwhile, our loved ones are free of form, time and place on the other side of the veil. Is it just our human mind that has constructed a separation between our lives and Angels, spirit guides, source and our loved ones? Is it possible to tap into that energy of unconditional love, expansion and eternal wellness? RELATED: 6 Profound Truths About Moving On After The Death Of Your True Love

What is the veil between life and death, and how can we touch it? 

Recently in a meditation I was shown how souls leave our bodies. What takes place after our soul leaves grabbed my attention. It was as though a shell of who we are, all of our thoughts and human experiences lifted up and became part of the veil. Think of an exoskeleton made of human emotions and stories rising above our atmosphere to rest, as it creates a dome shaped barrier between human awareness and our soul’s evolution. What if the veil is purely made up of human emotions, life stories, thoughts, fear and even love. Is it possible to send healing and love to the barrier that separates us from spiritual evolution? Is it possible to focus on the love and inspiration that each human has experienced and shift the energy of the veil to a place that holds space for only love and light. I visualize the cracks and fissures of the veil allowing streams of light to pour over humanity in the purest form. Soon the streams will be rivers and then oceans of love pouring into the human consciousness and awareness. Have we been waiting for this moment to recognize we have the power to light up all of humanity by simply focusing on love and light of all times?  Every life lived has been important and holds the key to us understanding our ability to heal ourselves through prayer, gratitude and visualization. RELATED: A Psychic Medium Shares The First Thing You Should Do If You Think You’re Psychic

Here are five ways to connect with ’the other side’ — even if you’re a skeptic

1. Affirmative prayer or saying thank you in advance for what you are calling into your life.

Putting this into practice is very powerful. Your prayer is already answered, you are simply saying, “thank you. “I do this every morning as part of my practice and it has helped shape my life in magical ways.

2. Believe and know in your heart that you are part of a cosmic miracle. 

You are as much alive on the other side of the veil, as you are here. It is simply where you put your attention.

3. Talk with your Angels, Guides, and a “Source” daily.

The more you talk with them, just as you would anyone else that you love, the deeper your connection is. Share with them your dreams, deepest thoughts and ask them to guide you through life. Ask them to help release your fears.

4. Talk with your loved ones just as you did before they crossed over. 

If they guided you before death, seek their guidance now. If you need to repair the relationship from when you both walked the Earth, do it now. They hear you and love you.

5. Visualize a life and world full of compassion, peace and abundance. 

See yourself manifesting your dreams. See yourself connected to your angels, guides and source. Feel the love of your ancestors. See your version of heaven on Earth. RELATED: 9 Easy Little Habits That Make People Stronger And More Resilient

What happens when you connect with the other side of the veil

Connecting with the other side offers expansion of thought and mind.

You will experience a shift in reality.

It might be subtle but life will begin to play out easier. There will be less fear and resistance.

You will become a master at manifesting.

The energy of the other side is miraculous and is the key to manifestation.

You will have clarity of your purpose.

It may simply be to create, while living with joy and inspiration.

You will experience peace in your world.

I could elaborate on this, but simply knowing you have peace, is enough.

You will surrender to the flow of guiding energy that comes into your life.

Your fear will be washed away and replaced with gratitude. RELATED: 3 Simple Ways To Find Peace When You Feel Utterly Out-Of-Sorts The feeling of gratitude is a gift from God. It opens our heart and shines light on love and abundance. It will grow and grow until the shift is complete. As we each begin to experience heaven on Earth, the veil will be no more. We will recognize all in their truest form. Fear and hate transforms and peace is available to all. Now, each of us has the ability to create this energy. The tide is turning and a shift is occurring that is pulling the collective to no longer living in separation. We are mere moments from a collective shift in consciousness. Reach far for your truth and feel it settle into your bones, so you may lift others up. Enjoy this beautiful time of transformation and self-realization. RELATED: 10 Subtle Ways The Universe Warns You When You’re In Trouble Polly Wirum is a psychic, writer, and spiritual coach. She specializes in helping others discover their truth as they let go of old habits, fears, and beliefs that keep them stuck.  This article was originally published at Reprinted with permission from the author.