The Empress is the third Major Arcana card of the Tarot, following the High Priestess (2), along with the Magician (1) in the tarot deck. The Empress radiates complete divine feminine energy.

The Empress Tarot Card Meanings

Upright meaning keywords: Divine femininity, pregnancy, motherhood, creativity, womanhood, sensuality, balance Reversed meaning keywords: Insecurity, trouble conceiving, lack of abundance and growth, forceful or domineering RELATED: Why It Matters What Time Of Day You Pull A Tarot Card The Empress card is one of the most benevolent cards in Tarot, and holds a powerful and beautiful message. The Empress tarot card is one of true womanhood and motherhood. It calls on us to be softer — with ourselves, with those who surround us, and with those we care for. Whether we are male or female, man or woman, this is a card signifying that we indulge more in our nurturing side, which also means all things domestic. The Empress tarot card is not just about divine femininity or pregnancy; the Empress encourages truly relishing in a healthy and productive home life in which we all feel supported, loved and encouraged to grow. This tarot card gives off a very plentiful energy, denoting that whatever situation was the focus of the reading will be one to continue growing. There is also a strong connection to creativity, success and intuition, signifying that it might be time to explore a new spiritual path.

The Empress Card Description

Most often, the Empress card is depicted as a woman appearing at peace, laying back with a flowing gown. She wears a crown with twelve stars and points. The points or stars represent the signs of the Zodiac and the months of the year, showing a connection to the natural world around her. The gown she is wearing is decorated with pomegranates, a food that traditionally signifies fertility and abundance. Photo: volkovslava / Shutterstock Nearby is the symbol of the planet Venus, deepening the connection to the divine feminine and love. She is also surrounded by a lush forest, emphasizing her connection to mother earth, as well as the fruitfulness of growth associated with this imagery. RELATED: 12 Brilliant Tarot Card Quotes From Expert Readers On How To Do A Reading

The Empress Upright Meaning

To pull an upright Empress card in tarot readings means that whatever you are questioning or looking for answers regarding, will be abundant with new growth. The Empress is the most powerful foreteller of pregnancy in all of Tarot. And while it is often seen as a quite literal representation of new life, it also points to the idea of being pregnant with possibility — the birth of a new idea, so to speak. This is a card that is so abundant and fulfilling, it brings a wealth of possibilities to any reading. It also holds a powerful meaning when it comes to self-care by asking us to care for ourselves as we would a child, and to make sure we take time to nurture ourselves, both in body and in spirit. When we see the Empress card, it signifies that life will take a more positive direction. We will feel greater clarity in living from our heart. Greater creativity will lead to financial abundance, love will become deeper and more passionate, and our lives will swell with the intensity rooted in pursuing a spiritual awakening. While this card only carries positive energy, there is a warning associated with it: if of child bearing age and a pregnancy is not desired, make sure to take precautions, as it does signify that this is a likely outcome, whether it is planned or not.

The Empress Reversed Meaning

Even though we do not like to use words like “bad” or “good,” because in life and in Tarot everything is seen as being in balance within one another, the Empress reversed is more challenging and brings difficult energy. While right side up the card denotes nothing but abundance and growth, reversed it is the lack of it that carries the greatest significance. Pulling the Empress card in reverse signifies a disconnect between the reader and their feminine side, which both men and women can carry. A lack in feminine energy can look like being overly controlling, disconnected, cold and mechanical. There can be a disconnect to our body, sense of sexuality, and even the world itself. To block receiving our own feminine energy can heavily play on our mother wound and the type of love we encountered as a child. Additionally, the Empress represents an obsession with the material and physical aspects of life, including money, clothes and the social approval of others, while we neglect or ignore those closest to us in our lives. There may also be a penchant for throwing oneself into work and neglecting their emotional life. Receiving the reversed Empress card asks you to pause, slow down, and try to incorporate a softer, more loving approach for yourself, those around you, and life, in general. RELATED: How To Shuffle & Cleanse Tarot Cards For Accurate Readings Every Time

The Empress Meaning in Love & Relationships

When you see the Empress card in a love reading, it means that your love life will be soon taking a turn of direction.

Love and Relationships: Upright Empress Meaning

If single, the upright Empress means you can expect to meet someone soon that will lead to a lasting and passionate love affair. The Empress is not just about casual dating or one-night stands, but true romance. So, when you pull this card, it means that area of your life will be dramatically affected in some of the best ways possible. For those in a committed and loving relationship, an upright Empress card means the relationship will continue to grow and become deeper. While this can mean an engagement or greater commitment, it can also signify that the spiritual connection has strong roots and can weather any storm. There is also a strong indicator of an intense sexual connection for those in an existing romantic relationship who pull this card as part of a reading. Of course, in its most literal meaning, this card is one that signifies a pregnancy is on its way, so be sure to take precautions if that is not the desired outcome; however, it may also be welcome news for those who have been hoping to expand their family.

Love and Relationships: Reversed Empress Meaning

If you pull the reversed Empress card, it can mean that you are having difficulty being your real self in relationships or dating scenarios. You will not really be attracting partners that resonate with your truth. There is also a likelihood of fear, control, and a lack of truth in existing relationships. To overcome this, you must try to always be yourself and disregard the opinions of others. For those in a relationship, a reversed Empress can mean you have a need to express your emotions and feminine qualities. Get to the root cause of why you suppress your feelings, and trust your intuition instead. Another meaning of the reversed Empress is the need to express your feminine qualities, balancing the masculine and feminine energies, no matter your gender. While not the best news if reversed, it signifies that it is never too late to pull back and expand your feminine energy, all so you can receive what is meant for you.

The Empress Meaning in Career

While the Empress relates to nurturing and feminine energy, it also represents creativity. And in a career reading, pulling this card can indicate an abundance, or lack, of creative insight, depending on its position.

Career: Upright Empress Meaning

To receive an upright Empress during a career reading indicates a burst in creativity, particularly in the workplace. Whether it’s through your relationship with your coworkers, or upcoming events and projects in your calendar, this card indicates positive energy all around. In fact, your newfound attitude could influence the people around you, leading to a more balanced and friendly atmosphere. Being filled with new ideas will give you the momentum to accomplish even more great things at work.

Career: Reversed Empress Meaning

The reversed Empress card in a career reading probably isn’t the best news to receive, as it indicates a creative block of sorts. Even though you know you have the talent to do well in the workplace, you may also feel that you aren’t making the strides you pride yourself on. Pulling this card can also indicate that you simply aren’t happy at work, or find your job, in general, to be boring; you yearn to get more out of it and to learn beyond what you already know or have accomplished. Additionally, a reversed Empress represents a lack of security in your field of work, meaning it may be time for a career change.

The Empress Meaning in Finance

In finance readings, the Empress relates to abundance, no matter the position. And in this context, abundance relates specifically to money and financial wealth.

Finance: Upright Empress Meaning

It’s good news if you pull an upright Empress in a finance reading, as it indicates affluence and wealth in abundance. The upright Empress represents an increase in money in your life, and is also an encouragement to expand your investments. This card can also indicate that your prosperity should be shared with those you are closest to. You may even be filled with a generous streak and feel inspired to spread the wealth, so to speak.

Finance: Reversed Empress Meaning

Though it’s not necessarily a negative thing to pull a reversed Empress in this type of reading, it can still indicate instability of some kind, despite having financial wealth at your disposal. Essentially, it means you are financially secure, but not emotionally or mentally secure. Look inward to determine where this lack of security comes from and how you can take proper steps to overcome it. Just remember to continue being responsible with your money. RELATED: How To Calculate Your Birthday Tarot Card & What It Means Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.

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