The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus alongside Mars moving into Gemini will help you focus more on how your own feelings have played a part in your relationship recently. A relationship is supposed to add to what you have already created and not be what solely sustains you. RELATED: The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Their Relationships, August 15 – 21, 2022 This is a week for greater independence, both in your relationships as well as in how you decide to progress things with your partner. There is no set plan that you or anyone else has to follow for commitment or sharing your lives together. Together with love, you are free to create any arrangement in which it feels like it satisfies both your needs while also giving you the time and space for yourself as well. Relationships work best when both people still are able to remain themselves and have goals of their own that they want to accomplish. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Week For August 15 – 21, 2022 Whether it is career-based, or even travel, take the initiative this week and set out to create the life that you love and you will find that in the process you are also developing a deeper bond with the one that you love. Often in relationships, it is not the work that you do on the connection that makes the biggest difference, but the work on yourself that ends up improving things for the better.

During the week of August 15 – 21, 2022, four zodiac signs will see their weekly love horoscopes improve the most. 

Here’s what’s happening, for Gemini, Pisces, Leo, and Aquarius.

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) This week offers a huge opportunity for you to realize that the issues you have been having in your relationship recently are actually your own. Sometimes you become restless and feel unsettled in your life because of all the ideas and dreams that you have for yourself. When this happens you look to your relationship in that it is not enough for you, but oftentimes what is feeling off are things that you need to deal with yourself. This week provides that opportunity for you and with Mars moving into your sign, it also gives you the extra oomph you need to make it a reality. Do not be afraid to create more independence in your relationship this week so that you can take care of things or begin new projects that have been calling to you. Just because you enter into a relationship does not ever mean you stop being you. RELATED: 5 Reasons Why Independence In A Relationship Is Both Healthy And Sexy

2. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) All those feelings will finally find a place to go this week as Mercury has its way with you encouraging important and even life-changing conversations. You need to believe in yourself before you start placing any responsibility on anyone else to show up for you or even make you feel a certain way. Sometimes you have blamed others for nothing, being able to advocate for yourself or express your needs, but that truth was always your own. This week gives you the opportunity to take responsibility for your own self and to finally open up and start talking, not necessarily because your partner has changed but because you finally feel secure within your own self enough to do so. This not only lifts that burden off your partner’s shoulders but also allows you able to feel like you are being more authentic, both of which will improve any relationship challenges you have recently had. RELATED: How Great Conversations Create Deep Intimacy & Happiness

3. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) Now the Sun and Venus are both star-studded, giving you all the benefits of shining the brightest and feeling like you are finally back to your true self. You are bold and brilliant by nature but you can let what has happened in the past dull that inner light. This week that is all in the past as you step into your own space once again and realize that any relationship you have only added to that instead of it being their job to provide it for you. Not only are you feeling more positive about yourself but your partner will be able to notice the shift within you as you become more confident and autonomous. They actually love this side of you as it is one that they fell in love with, to begin with so the more you remember just how amazing you truly are the more your relationship will continue to grow and develop. Just remember that it is always your job to own your truth, and it is not something even the best relationship can take responsibility for. RELATED: How To Tell Someone You Need Space Without Being Hurtful

4. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) You have always lived by your own rules but this week you will come to understand what it means to love by them as well. With Saturn currently in I’s last retrograde in your sign, it means that some major life lessons about how you have approached relationships come to a close for you. A big part of this has not only been about you making a greater peace with your past so you do not bring it into your current relationship but also realizing that there are no specific rules or formulas for love to follow. This week brings a sense of fresh air and freedom to your relationship as you realize that you both can ultimately design any scenario that truly fits your needs and lifestyle. Do not shy away from conversations or even putting your ideas out there. There is nothing wrong with sharing your desires for life with your partner and more than likely, they will be on exactly the same page. RELATED: 20 Things A Guy Will Never Do If He Sees A Future With You Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.