For many zodiac signs, this is a week of no longer indulging your fears so that you can better focus on what is right in front of you. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Great Weekly Horoscopes Starting September 12 - 18, 2022 Neptune retrograde in Pisces helps with this process so that you do not end up making a decision that you will regret later on. Venus is in Virgo, bringing both healing and attention to detail, especially when it comes to planning the future. As long as you are able to see things through a lens of love and not fear, it offers a tremendous opportunity to upgrade your relationship and move things along into a deeper level of commitment. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Tarot Card Reading For September 2022 Right now, because there are six planets in retrograde, remember that the most important things right now are inner reflection and communication with your partner about what you are experiencing. These are the seeds that you are planting now so that later you can begin to enjoy the fruits of finally taking action.

During the week of September 12 - 18, 2022, these four zodiac signs see their relationships improve.

1. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) The Last Quarter Moon occurs in Gemini beginning the week with a heavy focus on your romantic life. Last week the Pisces Full Moon brought an issue to the front of your mind regarding your home and family, likely initiating a flurry of changes in this area of your life. This week, the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini means that there is more development and improvements occurring, this time in your relationship. The Last Quarter Moon ties back to the current lunar cycle bringing themes of manifestation, action, and responsibility. The thing here with the Last Quarter Moon is that it also brings a sense of completion, for you it may be that whatever issues that have been plaguing you romantically are now finished, and you can enjoy a more peaceful and fulfilling life. On the other hand, it could also mean that the chaotic situation you have been in is your relationship which will be coming to completion around this time. Either way because of the recent Pisces Full Moon, and the Gemini Moon this week there is an improvement all around. It may be that you and your partner are best friends, family, or co-parents. This transition could allow that to happen and overall be a significant upswing in how you relate to each other as well as your own individual life. If it is a matter of being able to move through this time together, then make sure you remember that being together is ultimately what matters most and everything else is always able to be figured out. RELATED: 3 Brutal Truths About Romantic Love That Are Really Hard To Hear

2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) Midweek Neptune in Pisces lights up your romantic zone as it aligns with the Sun still in Virgo. Pisces is the sign that holds the power of your relationships and love life. With Neptune currently in retrograde, it means that you are being asked to see things for what they truly are rather than in your face, what you fear them to be. Virgo energy can be detail-oriented and always look for what is wrong rather than allowing yourself to focus on what is going right. This energy can often make you feel like you are in a constant state of trying to make things better or in a state of improvement. Neptune in Pisces wants to remind you that as much as it may seem things are not exactly as you want them; it does not mean that your relationship is actually in a bad or unhealthy place. Take this week as an opportunity to reflect on all that you are grateful for in your relationship and even try to curb some of those thoughts that take you away from the joy. By being able to see that things are actually quite healthy and stable in your romantic relationship, you should also allow yourself to enjoy more of it, rather than focusing on the fears that attempt to keep you from doing just that.

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) Venus is in Virgo right now which means that as a Pisces you are seeing a great focus on your romantic relationships. This week Venus in Virgo aligns with Uranus in Taurus prompting some important conversations which will improve the state of your love life. Venus in Virgo is all about healing and making sure that you are tending to the necessary details while Uranus in Taurus is aiming to bring some unexpected conversations that will lead to greater understanding. Right now, Mercury is also in retrograde in Libra which brings a focus on matters of intimacy. This may be an area that you have been reflecting on recently and with all of this combined energy, it means that it is time to start talking. Waiting for your partner is an important part of this, but it also means that you have to allow yourself to be ready for this as well. Many times, the conversations that you are reluctant to have are because you are afraid of what may happen instead of recognizing that they likely will end up making things much better. Spend time this week thinking about what issues involving intimacy have arisen recently, whether in terms of physical connections, or even those aspects of sharing more of your emotional feelings and even the domestic space you share with another. The more comfortable you get with your own truth, the more you will be ready to meet your partner and actually work together to make your relationship better. RELATED: When Conversation Stirs Chemistry — When To Go All-In And When To Stop Talking

4. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) Uranus is in Taurus right now which means that there are still significant changes that will be coming into your romantic life. This week Uranus in Taurus connects with Venus in Virgo representing that the path to manifesting your recent intentions is present within the people that surround you. If you have been hoping for a new love, then it may be this person already exists as a friend of social contact. It is pointed to reexamine the relationships that you have around you during this time so that you can make sure you are seeing the truth of those around you. Try to let your perspective shift so that you can see things in a new way. Instead of using your old lens for love, allow yourself to focus on what matters most. If you are hoping for something else related to your relationship, such as finding a new place to check out together or even somewhere that you both can call home, the answer may be again in those people that you already know. Do not be afraid to open up and talk to those around you, asking questions and opening up a conversation as you might find that was all you needed to do in order to find the answers that you are seeking. Mercury is also retrograde within Libra which highlights all aspects of spirituality in your life. This is a wonderful time to find out the true meaning of a relationship or even the friendships of those around you and how they can better help you create the life that you want. RELATED: How To Use Each Phase Of The Moon To Manifest Your Desires & Dreams Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.