Since the beginning of September, Mercury has been retrograded. During this phase, which is actually about Mercury beginning a new cycle, communication has been strained while you have been encouraged to reflect on past conversations and themes in your relationship. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Love Horoscope For September 26 - October 2, 2022 However, now that it will be turning direct it will help to improve conversations and even your own thought process regarding your relationship and what you want to work on to improve things. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Week, September 26 - October 2, 2022 Adding to the energy this week, Mars in Gemini will align with retrograde Saturn in Aquarius bringing together themes of ambition for moving ahead with what limitations were in place which made that challenging. This is a week of healing. A time when conversations become easier and more productive which means that you will see a significant improvement within your romantic relationship.

Four zodiac signs whose relationships improve starting September 26:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) This week Venus moves into Libra which will help you find compromise and ease within your romantic relationship. Venus is the planet that governs love and in Libra, it activates your committed romantic relationship. With Jupiter currently retrograde in your zodiac sign it means that you have been going through a great deal of self-exploration in terms of what is holding you back from feeling more positive about things in your life, including your romantic relationship. This has caused some turmoil recently within your life as it has seemed that even though you have everything you said you wanted at one point it is lacking the ability to truly feel fulfilled or successful. There are still changes in store throughout this year, but this week under the energy of Venus in Libra you should start to see some improvements. RELATED:  Venus in Libra is responsible for greater balance, compromise, forgiveness, and ease. While some of this may stem from simply wanting to avoid confrontation, it also does not necessarily have to be a terrible thing. Having your relationship improve whether or not it is one that is going to last forever simply means that you are no longer in chaos, that you can get along, and if children are present, it also means that you can work together to create a more loving and stable environment. Embrace the positives that this week brings without worrying too much about what it all means, and improvement is progress regardless of where it leads. RELATED: 

2. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) Mercury turns direct in Virgo this week which positively affects your romantic relationship. Mercury is the master of the mind, the planet that rules over communication, thought processes, and the conversations that you have with another. Virgo is your opposing sign which means that it shines a loving light on your romantic relationship. Together this inspires not only deeper reflection of your love life but also incredibly beneficial conversations. Mercury first entered Virgo back on August 4th, from there it moved into Libra before turning retrograde, and then during that phase moved back into Virgo and now this week will be turning directly. Libra and Virgo rule not just your romantic relationship but also themes involving intimacy and transformation. Something big has been brewing within your own life even if it has not seemed there has been any significant growth as of yet. Once Mercury turns direct this week there will be a new understanding and perspective on issues that first began around the beginning of August. This is your chance now to truly start making progress. RELATED: 18 Relationship Tips From The Happiest Couples On Earth

3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) Mars has been in Gemini since the end of August and will continue to turn the tides of your romantic life until March of next year. There is a retrograde involved which will begin at the end of October, until then it is all about speaking your truth and feelings, no longer holding anything back. Gemini though rules your romantic relationship and the commitment that you share with and for another. Mars in this area of your life means that you have been in need of some serious determination or redirection which has affected the choices that you have previously made. This week Mars in Gemini aligns with Saturn in Aquarius which brings together the themes of love and communication. While Mars in Gemini is inspiring you to feel more determined to make changes and a greater commitment in your own life, Saturn in Aquarius is going to help you put together your internal reflections and the words you speak to help you communicate what is most necessary this week. This energy is incredibly potent for you as the week progresses signifying that it is an important week both for realizing that you can accomplish anything that you put your mind to and also for being courageous enough to say exactly what needs to be said. RELATED: The 5 Stages Of Love You Experience In Intimate Relationships

4. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) Mars in Gemini will be activating matters over the next seven months in terms of intimacy, transformation, and rebirth. This is something that is in alignment with what the eclipse cycle will be working on, especially as you are gearing up for the one in your sign in October. Saturn has been in Aquarius since 2020 and during that time has brought issues up to the forefront regarding your home and living situation. Because Saturn is currently retrograde it is making you reflect and rethink either where you live or with whom. You also may be going through some deep healing as a part of this process. This week both Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius harmonize giving you some much-needed insight and opportunities in terms of how to transform your home life. Make sure that as you move through the week you remember what you want to align with in the future rather than making sure that you are keeping those old parts of your life from the past. It is likely that the eclipses will bring some opportunities and excitement to this area of your life, but ultimately you have to be the one to make the decision. RELATED: 2 Hidden Ways We Sabotage Intimacy In The Relationship We Want Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.