Mercury rules communication while Venus governs romantic relationships. When they both are in the zodiac sign of Capricorn it means that you are being encouraged to talk through matters of your relationship and what you and your partner both need from love. As they shift from Sagittarius to Capricorn, you will feel your own inner direction guiding you to think about how you will accomplish all those dreams and goals you started last month. If you do not actually set a plan, then you stand no chance of achieving the dream. Venus in Capricorn is very much an act of service when it comes to love language, so it is a wonderful time to focus on how you need to be loved by your partner in this way and how they also need to feel yours. As the Gemini Full Moon occurs harkening back to themes that first around May 30th, 2022, when the New Moon occurred within this sign, you will be ready to reap the seeds that you have sown. Gemini is an air sign that prefers communication and is known for how it consciously chooses what it wants to invest within. Together it is the reminder that while you can have the sweet words of Gemini, it is the actions of Capricorn that are what make love and what help you truly develop a relationship that can withstand the test of time.

The four zodiac signs whose relationships improve the week of December 5 – 11, 2022:

1. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) This is one of the rare weeks when you could either see a break-up or the improvement of a relationship and maybe even for a select few; both. This is because the energy is shifting in such a way this week it does not guarantee an ending, but it does mean some changes are in store for you romantically. The week begins with Mercury, the planet of communication, and the planet Venus which rules love in Sagittarius. This has helped you to be more authentic in your expression and needs when it comes to your romantic relationship. However, it may also be that by being more authentic, you also have realized that the connection that you are in is not one that is meant for you. The Gemini Full Moon in your relationship sector which occurs this week can bring fruition to many romantic themes that have been developing since the New Moon in Gemini on May 30th, 2022. This is a time for you to look within Sagittarius and be honest about your needs and how transparent and honest you have been. You cannot expect to have a relationship that feels like it is one you are truly seen and understood within if you are holding parts of yourself back. You must learn that while a partner can create a safe space for you to share, it is your job to open yourself up in that way. Even in relationships that are healthy, you sometimes still retain fear from past situations that affect how open or transparent you are. This can be the start of a new chapter in your love life if you are learning from what happened in the past. RELATED: How To Have A Healthy Relationship, According To Your Zodiac Sign & Astrology

2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) By the end of this week, both Mercury and Venus will be in your zodiac sign of Capricorn. Mercury is the planet of communication and thought processes while Venus rules love and relationships. With both planets in your own sign, you will be able to express yourself more authentically and lovingly. It also means that your partner will be speaking your own love language which can help smooth over any recent challenges or rough spots. Venus in Capricorn operates differently than in other zodiac signs as it is concerned about the practical matters of love more than the luxurious or overly romantic. This means that it is an excellent time to actually move ahead in your relationship as you can both talk about plans and how to set up a future that honors the needs of each of you. Use your own innate qualities this week to speak your own truth but also to move your relationship ahead to the next level. You should feel more grounded and confident as well, which will be able to provide stability and security not just for your partner but also for yourself. The dream of love is always a wonderful one, but the reality of it is what makes it truly last forever. This week, you can excel at both. RELATED: Best Zodiac Matches Ranked From Most To Least Compatible Couples

3. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) Jupiter is currently in Pisces for a couple more weeks which is bringing luck and abundance to your romantic life as this water sign rules this area of your life. Whatever Jupiter touches it makes bigger within your life so as Jupiter in Pisces creates a climax point with both Mercury and Venus in Capricorn this week you will be able to express yourself in healthier ways, enjoy more fun within your relationship, and maybe even have conversations about starting a family or expanding an existing one soon. This is great energy for a deeper commitment within your love life and for being able to help heal some recent challenges that made you question if you and your partner are on the same page or not. Try to forgive and release what has felt off in the past couple of weeks so that you can enjoy the fresh new energy that is coming in. It is time for you to file everything that came before simply as a learning experience and to embrace the love that you have worked so hard to create. As much as you can tend to fixate on those aspects of your relationship that you want or need to improve, you also need to make sure to balance that with everything that is going great and that you are grateful for. It is time to see just how far you have come instead of only focusing on how much further you want to go. RELATED: The Ultimate Power Couple Match For Your Zodiac Sign

4. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) You are having a wonderful time showing just how much you have grown in how you approach love. As Mercury and Venus shift to Capricorn this week, your committed relationship and home life are about to get a serious upgrade. Mercury is the planet that rules thoughts and communication while Venus governs love and relationships. With both the sign that rules your home and commitment, you are going to be given a chance to move into the next level of love. For the past year, you have gone through a lot of changes when it comes to yourself and love. It allows you to release what was not healthy and to start to take chances on new love. You have focused more on expressing your needs and how to keep balance within your relationship instead of simply thinking you needed to sacrifice your truth to have peace. It has not always been easy, but you are in the space now to commit to a relationship and love once again. Do not be afraid that the connection you are in now is at risk of being anything like you have had before. You have come too far for that, now it is simply about honoring your own growth and trusting the love that you have created. RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs Who Thrive In Relationships, According To Astrology Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.