Here we have a week of big change for the zodiac signs. During this week, we will exit our days in the Sun as we say good bye to Leo season and welcome the Sun in Virgo. This is a major adjustment, and it works beautifully as the cap off to a lesson-filled summer of ‘22. This week brings us the hopeful Moon square Jupiter, which automatically makes us feel as though we can accomplish just about anything. We will also be feeling courageous when it comes to speaking up and expressing what’s on our minds, thanks to the impressive ease of Mercury in Libra. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Month For August 2022 This transit really works on our presentation; we say what we mean and we think it out thoroughly before it even leaves our lips. In love, we may find that we are somewhat challenged, as Venus square Uranus plays an important role in how we grow within our relationships. This is the week where we find out something new about our loved one — something we needed to know. This information will alert us and let us know that we will either stay with this person or that it might be time to let them go. With Moon trine Venus as our backup, we will see the possibility as opposed to the detriment. This means that whatever obstacles stand in our way in terms of love, we will get past them and make good of them. We are also going to enjoy the New Moon in Virgo, which boosts all the Virgo energy to a whole new level. We feel good about our choices this week, and in love, we feel justified in choosing the person we’ve chosen to live our lives with. Virgo energy means setting high standards for one’s self, and during this week, many of the zodiac signs will come to know that this is the only way to get through this time period — and we’re worth it. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Horoscope For August 2022

The three zodiac signs will have the best relationships for the week of August 22 to 28, 2022: 

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) You’ll take the power offered to you, and this week, the universe is basically bending over backward to please you. Your week will be filled with exciting ideas that you fully intend to see through. You feel active and alive during this week, and as you cross from Leo into Virgo season, you’ll be all the more open to seeing what will happen. The key to the week is all about believing in yourself. You definitely have others convinced that you think the world of yourself, but that’s just a facade; you are not always that confident. This week has you feeling one hundred percent back on your feet, and you’ll be blessed by the transit Mercury in Libra, which will make it so that you have no problem getting your point across. You only want the best for yourself and others during this week, and you will be respected and shown great love by your friends and loved ones. RELATED: 9 Ways To Quiet Your Mind & Follow The Path The Universe Has Laid Out For You

2. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) This week brings you luck in love as you and your mate have finally crossed a certain kind of border together, and with the help of Mercury in Libra, you are both now able to speak freely to each other without the fear of holding back. You want your partner to know exactly who you are, and that’s where this luscious Virgo energy comes in; it enables you to expect the highest and therefore, you create it for yourself. Yes, you do have high standards when it comes to who you get involved with romantically, and you’ll be pleased to find out that this week sort of ‘seals the deal’ for you and this person. During the New Moon in Virgo, you’ll feel magical, alive as if you could create an entirely new world simply by using your imagination. You will experience the pure potential of positive energy this week, Libra. You are safe and well-loved. Feel free to be yourself. RELATED: 13 Ways The Universe Warns You To Stay Away From A Toxic Person

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) You love weeks like these, as they tend to amp up your sense of imagination. You feel very free and easy about love and life in general during this week, and passing into Virgo season is a real relief for you. While you were able to benefit from Leo’s fiery energy, you feel more at home with the soothing vibe that comes with Virgo, and when you experience Virgo’s New Moon, you’ll be overwhelmed with hope and the feeling of potential in the balance. For the first time in a long while, you feel as though you can accomplish something magnificent, and this may very well have something to do with your love life, or your mate themselves. Also, know that during this week, you may find that ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ in terms of this love life. You and your partner will jump over a few hurdles during the week and each one will bring you closer to each other. Good for you and them! RELATED: 17 Secrets People Who Are Good At Relationships Know That You Don’t Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.