When the Moon was in Cancer, it was more about feeling your emotions and making sure to honor what was most important to you. Yet, now that the Moon is in fiery and courageous Leo, it is time to start speaking and living out loud. Leo rules the Sun but is known as a sign that follows its heart at all costs which means that while the emotional Moon gathers its energy here, you will be feeling this energy becoming magnified. When you think of your truth it is not something that your logical mind knows, instead, it is a deep feeling that resides within your heart. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Need Change In Their Love Life During Venus Trine Mars Starting October 18, 2022 Your mind is full of doubts or even worries while your heart is pure, unfiltered, and full of truth. To listen to this part of you though often seems reckless because it will not be explained like a financially driven idea from your mind but instead this is the strongest part of you. The heart is not weak. It goes through so much and yet is still there, hopeful, trusting, and full of faith in things always working out exactly as they are meant to. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Fall In Love Hardest During The Moon In Leo, October 18 - 20 2022 As you near Eclipse Season it is important to take days like today to not just honor the truth of your heart but to embrace that Leo boldness and speak it. The more that you speak your own truth, the more you are embracing who you truly are, which means that you will also be in the best position to make changes or important decisions within your life. You cannot control everything, but you can control whether or not you speak your truth and today is an opportunity to do just that. The Leo Moon is joined by a close alliance between Venus in Libra and Mars in Gemini. These two planets are known as celestial lovers which often are known for positively affecting your romantic relationship. While all of that is true, today it is going to be about combining what you love with the actions that you need to take to be able to manifest it. And the Leo Moon is the perfect addition to this celestial embodiment which will have you making sure that you are leaving the judgment behind and embracing your heart as your truth.     This is the overall theme for the week as more planets begin to turn direct and you are being guided to take up residence in the most authentic place that you can so that you will be on the same frequency as the universe. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On October 18, 2022 In this position, anything that you dream of, or desire can be yours, but first, you have to believe that it can be. The only way to make that happen is to not just trust yourself but also your heart. It always knows the way, which is why you are being encouraged to follow it at all costs.

It will be three zodiac signs who will have the best horoscopes on Tuesday, October 18, 2022:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) The Moon in Leo today will help you to dig deep and remember what it feels like to believe in yourself. This is your greatest attribute but at times you can forget how valuable this is in being able to make decisions and create the life that you desire. The more confident and bold you are, the more likely you will trigger insecurities within others that want to take this power away from you. But to stand in this unabashed energy is what transitions you into being able to live life as your best self, which is what attracts that life you are dreaming of. Take time today to reconnect with what fuels you so that you will make sure you are creating a life that supports more of it.

2. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) Venus is in your zodiac sign today as it unites with its lover Mars in Gemini. As much as you have been on a journey to choose healthier relationships, it is now time to make sure that you have fully stepped into your own truth. This is what the magic of Venus brings to you today as you are full of not just passion but also confidence in pursuing your heart. This may extend to your relationship, but it also will affect every aspect of your life from career to family. While everyone may have different access to you, you should still be able to freely embrace your authentic self in all of your relationships. This is not for the benefit of others but for yourself because you deserve to honor yourself in this way. It is also the key to continuing to grow in all the ways that your new life will require of you. RELATED: 

3. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) Not only is Mars in your sign giving you a boost of energy and determination but it is also continually active as it connects with other planets. This brings in an enormous number of opportunities and upgrades which are available for you to take advantage of. Today Mars in Gemini creates an extremely positive relationship with Venus in Libra encouraging you to seize the direction that your dreams are pulling you in. Venus can bring in themes of romance, but it also can incorporate greater financial abundance as well as the ability to create a life that you genuinely feel in love with. Let yourself take action today, especially on having those conversations that will be game changers for your future. Communication is your ticket to that new life you have been dreaming of. RELATED: 10 Little Communication Tricks That’ll Lead To A Much Deeper Love Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.