Recently, astrology has provided an opportunity for you to gain more excellent emotional stability so that you can feel lighter and freer to focus on what is in your future. This is not a one-step process, and through today and the following days, you are still being given exactly what you need to move forward in the best and healthiest way possible. Energy today comprises two specific transits involving the Leo Moon. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On December 13, 2022 The first, early in the morning, is the Moon in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius, while the second, only a few hours later, occurs when the Sun in Sagittarius harmonizes with the Leo Moon. The Moon in Leo is passionate, headstrong, driven and focused on its innate emotional desires. As it connects with Saturn in Aquarius, the main focus will be on what limits you from following them.     Saturn in Aquarius makes you aware of what you need to shed or release to follow your heart and feel like you are honoring the self you have grown into instead of appeasing the outdated self that you used to be. This is not just about annoyances or minor aspects of your life but those that genuinely are not evolving with you. By becoming aware of these, you know where to focus the most change-oriented energy. RELATED: The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Will Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships The Week Of December 12 - 18, 2022 And this is precisely where the Sagittarius Sun comes in. The Sagittarius Sun cannot help but see things in an optimistic light. It helps you embrace the joy within the journey and understand that any limitations you feel are only temporary. Together, it allows you to once again receive a message from the universe on what is holding you back while also giving you the optimism and determination to not only make the most of today but also allow yourself to start making moves so that you can embrace more of it in the days and weeks to come. Happiness is not something that should or can be put off. Even if things are not ideal at this moment or you know that dramatic shifts will have to occur, it is also about recognizing that joy can still be found. And more importantly, that you are worth the joy. The next few days will challenge you to remain true to yourself in the face of doubt placed there by others. While not necessarily easy, the ability to remain rooted in your truth ends up serving you overall. Life is not about perfection but recognizing where you need to grow and then embracing the joy you can along the way.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes for Tuesday, December 13, 2022:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) The Moon in your sign today connects you to all the feels. This is a beautiful time to check how you feel about your life. Whether it is relationship or career based, you can become distracted with success or even prove others wrong without considering what you genuinely feel. By doing so, you allow yourself the space to evaluate where you are and make changes as necessary. As the Leo Moon connects with Saturn in Aquarius, what will come up for you today emotionally is likely related to your romantic life. Saturn has been giving you the once over in this area while in Aquarius, but it is time to start putting those lessons together so that you can make the decisions necessary to do things differently. The Sun in Aquarius lights up your life’s fun and playful zone, so there is joy to be had, but you must also ensure you are honoring your truth. RELATED: 44 Little Changes That Will Make Your Life Infinitely Better

2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) The Leo Moon brings many lucky opportunities into your life today. Leo rules this part of your life, which also involves learning new things and traveling. Two of your favorite things. As it connects with Saturn in Aquarius, you will be in the place to bring your communication and reflection skills into the mix. It may be that a meaningful conversation is a key to the luck and abundance you have been seeking within your own life. Sometimes, you shy away from conversations because you are not ready to have your opinion challenged or changed, but it is also how you can widen your perspective and grow as an individual. Today you might learn how those beliefs have hindered your progress and journey. The good news is that as the Sagittarius Sun harmonizes with the Leo Moon, you will understand how you feel and who you authentically are intimately connected to. It is how you succeed in life, how you grow and ultimately, how you can become the person that you know you are destined to be. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want A Fling During Sun Trine Moon On December 13, 2022

3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) Saturn will be in your zodiac sign as it sits opposite the Moon in Leo. Because Saturn is in Aquarius, highlighting any limitations or obstacles within your life, this is a chance for you to see if your beliefs are dictating the reality you end up creating. Thankfully, Saturn is just about wrapped up in your zodiac sign, which means that everything should flow better in this area; however, you still need to show the universe the lessons it has been trying to show you. It is understandable that you would have a lot of different views and feelings regarding your relationship because of how much you have been through in the past, but the universe is also trying to let you know that it is time to let all of that go so that you can enjoy everything that you have worked so hard to build. As the Sagittarius Sun connects with the Leo Moon, there is plenty of opportunity for fun, socializing and letting loose to embrace all the joy surrounding you. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Weekly Horoscopes For December 12 - 18, 2022 Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.