The day begins under a Leo Moon before transitioning into the zodiac sign of Virgo later in the day. Leo is the sign that rules the heart. It can be boisterous, but it also has no problem saying what it truly needs; in this case, you will find ease in saying what your heart needs. Self-love is not a selfish commodity. Instead, the basis for which you care for yourself sets the standard for how you allow and ask others to. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Heartache Comes To An End During The Moon Trine Mars On Sunday, July 3, 2022 It carries with it a level of self-respect and helps ensure that you are upholding the boundaries necessary for healthy relationships and even a life filled with joy. A big part of that is knowing when you need to take time for yourself to fill your cup, and the Leo Moon uniting with Mars in Aries reminds you of this fact today. Whether you are craving some quiet alone time or want to plan a spontaneous beach trip with friends or your significant other, it is a day to listen to what your heart is craving and then unapologetically create the space so that you can fulfill it. The Leo Moon will also cross paths with Mercury in Gemini, giving you the gift of understanding and conversation. This can be great for business ventures and making plans, but it can also create a perfect day for socializing, especially if it is an impromptu day trip or gathering. The connection with Mars in Aries may help you act from your heart, but Mercury in Gemini will also assist you in speaking from it. This is the power of connecting with your own heart-centered space so that you can honor not just your truth but also what you need. Later in the day, the Moon moves into Virgo and will carry healing energy with it. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For July 4 -10, 2022 It will be time to nurture yourself and others, taking time from your life to put yourself first simply.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Sunday, July 3, 2022:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) Your heart is your compass in life, Leo. The more time you spend connecting to this piece of you, the more you will feel a clear purpose and direction in life. As much as you may doubt that this part of you can be trusted at times, it is the embodiment of truth. At times it seems like it may steer you wrong, but that is only when things turn out differently than you had hoped or anticipated. Your heart is never wrong. Take the time to reconnect with this important part of yourself, ensuring that you are nurturing yourself and giving yourself what you genuinely need today. It may be time for some fun in the sun or a quiet day with yourself out in nature but regardless, make sure to let your doubts and insecurities disappear. A certain power comes from you when you can own this part of yourself, especially because Leo rules the heart. Make sure that you forgive and release the times when you have judged that your heart has led you astray. Instead, see that everything that happened did so for a particular purpose. It is time to start a new chapter, and ensuring you are honoring and caring for this part of yourself is the central focus. RELATED: Signs You Formed A Soul Tie — And How To Break It

2. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) It may feel like immense changes are coming into your life soon, especially those wrapped around your home and family life. This can be intimidating for anyone, but you have a deep investment in this area of your life. The biggest gift you can give yourself is to stop questioning your feelings. Your heart always knows the truth, yet if you constantly overthink because you are hoping for a different result, then time is wasted. There is a process of owning and discovering your truth that can take some time, but second-guessing will only provide a delay in moving into the action phase of what you are going to do next. Regarding your home life, there may be a separation or a fresh start. Take today as a chance to look at the benefits of this instead of only focusing on what you perceive will be lost. With every change, there are two sides, and in this process, it is normal to focus on what it feels like you are going to have to give up but make no mistake that it is also going to be letting in an immense number of opportunities and blessings as well. Focus on the good so that it has a chance to multiply. RELATED: How To Manifest Anything In 17 Seconds

3. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) While others may be craving time alone, you will want time with family and loved ones today. It may be the perfect day for a barbeque or take off on a day trip somewhere with those you feel the closest to. With the end of your zodiac season in the rearview mirror, it is time to start incorporating many of the lessons you learned and making the changes you have felt inspired to take on. For you, part of this is reconnecting with your home space and roots. Instead of thinking that the next best thing is out there somewhere waiting to be discovered, a new sense of joy will be found right where you are. It may be time to spruce up your living situation or even to make a greater commitment to someone that you have been dating. If single, then during this time, you will have a new sense of peace about just enjoying your life until someone comes along that you can do it with. Do not force yourself to do anything, especially those projects that feel like a chore. Things can be put off for another day, even if that Virgo Moon later in the day is encouraging you to get to work. Make the most of the life that you have already created and enjoy it today. RELATED: What Is Karma And Is It Real? 3 Types Of Karma And How It Works Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.