Venus is the planet of love that rules over romance, finances, real estate and whatever you love. It also rules the feminine energy that exists within everyone. Venus’s cosmic is Mars, the planet that governs masculine energy. While these two often bring all sorts of romantic interludes and developments, they seldom meet, meaning that when they do it always ends up being of great significance. Mars complements Venus and rules passion, sex, motivation, and drive. Venus may focus on love, but Mars is determined to pursue whatever it values at any necessary cost. Mars is still retrograde in Gemini, although it is preparing to turn direct in just a few days. Mars is traditionally ruled by Aries, a fire sign representing this planet’s dominant and confident spirit. In Gemini and during its retrograde, it has been asked to slow down, to focus on why it wants a specific person, thing or even outcome and has caused overall a period of greater reflection. Mars in Gemini has helped you contemplate whether the soul or ego is trying to accomplish whatever lies in your current path. This is the difference between the human, must-do this energy, and the soul inherently knowing when a path is meant to be, no matter what it might entail. When you think of the human traits of Mars in Gemini, it does host a lot of egos which often come across as your thoughts that are governed by fear, validation, and a sense of obligation to uphold any societal standards. The soul aspect is trusting the process, knowing that the path meant for you is seldom the easiest but having faith in where you are being led. One is based on hoping that others will approve, and the other does not care whether they do. Venus in Aquarius right now is exuberating the latter. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Weekly Horoscopes For January 8 - 14, 2023 Venus in Aquarius is committed, but instead of it being rigid and expected like in Capricorn, it feels freer to follow its own heart. Venus in Aquarius does not mind breaking the rules for love. It will speak out and up about its feelings and desires and will not mind disrupting everyone else if it can create what resonates with its truth. Together these two are uniting today, amplifying the energy of the Leo Moon as it connects with Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius. It is a day that could see disturbances within relationships; however, if it does, it will only bring about a more beneficial result. Knowing when to end a relationship can be incredibly challenging; sometimes, it is a matter of simply trusting your feelings and that feeling of no matter how difficult it seems to leave, staying seems even more challenging. The silver lining is that those aligned relationships will experience a greater depth and connection, and those that are not being cleared from your life so that you can attune more closely with what is meant for you.

The three zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Monday, January 9, 2023:

1. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) Today Venus is in your zodiac sign as it connects with Mars in Gemini. Gemini energy rules the part of your life that governs self-expression and committed relationships within your life, even marriage. This is a chance for you to be honest about what type of relationship you are looking for in your life and to open yourself up to a greater level of commitment. It could be that you thought you have had to do things so differently that you have missed the joy love can provide you. Jupiter in Aries is helping you find the words to create your desired relationship. As a zodiac sign that enjoys doing things differently, sometimes purely for the sake of it, it is okay to take time out to reflect on if that is truly what you want. You do not always need to take up arms; sometimes, it is enough to relax with the ones that want to hold you. RELATED: The Shyest Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked

2. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)     Uranus is currently in your sign helping you to move past those structures within your life that you have already outgrown. This evolving process will help you embrace more of your authentic desires and release that which only provides the illusion of security. Today as the Leo Moon and Uranus in Taurus connect, it will mention themes surrounding your home and childhood for greater healing. This is an opportunity to practice the radical truth and implement boundaries that have become important to you. Mars in Gemini and Venus in Aquarius will activate aspects of your career and what you value, creating an opportunity for you to deepen what you love while also feeling like you are finally being compensated for it. You may have to deal with something at home to be able to give your passion and career more time, but it is one that is worthwhile to work through as this opportunity truly has abundance written all over it. RELATED: 6 Big-Hearted Zodiac Signs Who Are Secretly Huge Softies

3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) Mars in Gemini has been activating themes surrounding the decisions you make within your romantic life. Since it turned retrograde at the end of October, things were moving slowly, which may or may not have felt welcomed. Yet regardless, it allows you to have the time and space necessary to reflect more before you act. Today as Mars highlights these themes within your life, Venus in Aquarius represents important conversations. With Mars set to turn direct in just a few days, it may want to put off talking about things that are becoming increasingly more challenging. Just because you have a conversation does not mean everything needs to change overnight. You can express your feelings, even if it comes from indecision. The most important thing today is to make sure you are using the past few months of reflection to express your evolved feelings and point of view instead of thinking you must feel the way you once did. Time changes everything, including how you feel. RELATED: How The Universe Lets You Know You’re On The Right Track (Finally!) Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.