We want to seize all the energy that’s here, and this is part of what brings special attention to Gemini, Aquarius, and Sagittarius zodiac signs.   As the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio has passed the astrological waters have begun to settle so that greater clarity is starting to come in.   This brings an awareness of what must change in your own life or even within yourself.   Themes around self-worth, value, compromise, balance and even intimacy have surfaced in recent weeks which is all part of a bigger picture that has been coming into view.   Gemini Season arrives to shatter any doubts or hesitancy about stepping forward into your destiny.   Change is imminent.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Too Proud To Love During The Moon In Capricorn May 19 - 20, 2022 The Sun shifts into Gemini today activating your mental capacity to think through things are embrace all the possibilities instead of being overwhelmed by them.   This allows you to think things through, entertaining options that previously caused fear, and embrace the power of choice within your own life.   The Moon is in independent and wild Aquarius today inspiring autonomy over yourself and your life by embracing your wild authentic self.   No longer will you follow the path of least resistance just because that is the way the crowd is going.   Today is the beginning of deciding to write your own story and not live by anyone else’s rules but your own.  

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Friday, May 20, 2022 

1. Gemini  

(May 21 - June 20)  It is your time to shine. As the Sun shifts into your sign, your season begins, which means that it is your birthday all year. A solar return is a powerful time for manifestation and for acting on even your wildest of dreams. As you have moved through the start of the year you have noticed that certain things about yourself or even life are unrecognizable. There has been a process of you getting to know this updated version of yourself and even evaluating what fits into your life now. Most of it has been incredibly positive, but it does not mean that there is still not a time of transition that is part of the transformation you have been going through since the eclipse cycle last year occurred within your sign and your polar sign, Sagittarius. That has made this a manifestation year as you are seeing the effects of the growth that you have gone through. This Gemini Season is incredibly important for you. It is a point where you will be welcoming a different stage of peace to your life because you have healed so much of the hurt that has prevented that. You are also deciding that a big part of that peace is living life on your terms whether people agree with it or not, which means you are also walking into a whole new level of freedom. Enjoy it.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Fight For Love During Moon Square Mars, May 19 - 20, 2022

2. Aquarius  

(January 20 - February 18)  The Moon will shift into your sign during the morning hours giving you the full opportunity to take advantage of the energy today. Once in Aquarius, the moon will unite with Mercury in Gemini and Jupiter in Aries. Mercury is currently retrograde and asking you to reflect on things from the past to evaluate whether your feelings have changed or if there is something that needs to be discussed. Jupiter in Aries though is all about action and forward movement. Together under the energy of the Gemini Sun, it is a chance to tackle things head-on in the unique way that only you can. You have an incredibly unique perspective when it comes to seeing through what can be created. Take today to make sure that you have advocated for yourself, especially in terms of people or situations from the past that made you question your own worth or truth. Mercury in Gemini is here to help you discover your true feelings and then communicate them so that you stand up for yourself rather than just letting something go. Because of your nature to see further than just this moment, you often believe everything time will just handle. Sometimes though you need to take a stand not just for yourself but for the life that you want to live because this is what will help you create it.   RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Refuse To Compromise During The Moon Trine Uranus, Friday, May 20, 2022

3. Sagittarius  

(November 22 - December 21)  With the Sun joining Mercury retrograde in Gemini that means that there will be an emphasis placed upon your romantic relationships. This is not a new theme since Pisces has been activating your home and family since April, but now things are getting more intense. The Sun represents external action and change so in Gemini it will bring an opportunity for you to take steps that you have been feeling the need to pursue for some time. Mercury though shows that there is something that you had previously agreed to or set up that now needs a review before you take that action. Because Mercury shifts into Taurus in just a few days it means that there is a short window here to take advantage of this energy. Gemini is a sign that represents duality and while it applies to the multiple options and paths that are available in life, it also often signifies a choice. The best thing about Gemini is that it can entertain and see all angles, the worst is that because of that it is unable to make a choice. Remember that you are free to always choose, to decide differently in terms of romance, and this can be more challenging. But just because it may feel like that does not mean it is not something you are meant to do. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Too Proud To Love During The Moon In Capricorn May 19 - 20, 2022 Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.