This is part of what makes today’s horoscopes the best for three zodiac signs starting Friday, June 10, 2022. There have been themes lately that make you want to take your time, reflect, and even plan for what is next for you and your life. It feels like you are supposed to do things differently this time, and being more patient or methodically is a part of that. But that belief will only last for so long.

Which three zodiac signs will have the best horoscopes starting Friday, June 10, 2022?

Today, the universe delivers a greater intensity to your life, which will ignite the fire for action and change that you have previously been trying to temper. With the Moon in Scorpio, passions are high. You are seeking truth and transformation at all costs. RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With The Hardest Moments Of Their Life As the Moon aligns with Saturn in Aquarius and Pluto in Capricorn, there will be an opportunity to make some decisions and feel motivated to make the moment right to act rather than just simply waiting for the perfect time. This will arrive in the confidence that regardless of the specifics, you are going about things differently this time because of that awareness and all you have learned. Do not be afraid to let yourself swim in the intense feelings you have about doing certain things or even taking specific chances. Those feelings are what you need to act on, and it is also your truth guiding you to what has always been meant for you. Stop talking yourself out of your passions and instead see that it is a part of your purpose.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Friday, June 10, 2022:

1. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) The Moon moving into your zodiac sign today will help you remember what means the most to you. It is important to practice patience and appreciate that things take time. However, that is not always the case. Look today for those opportunities that show you which path you should take. This helps you become aware of where it is in your life that you can afford to take some risks by following your heart. This piece of you is full of truth because it is where your deepest emotions lie. You have tried to tame yourself out of this intensity in the past, but this is a core part of who you are. The more you embrace this part of you, the more you will be acting from your truth rather than wounding that says you must delay acting. Often things feel the most difficult because you are not leaning into what you feel called to do. Use the energy of the day and listen to yourself and what fans the flames of your inspiration. Let yourself get carried away, do not be afraid of timing or how things will play out. Just make a choice to take a step. Even one can change your entire life. RELATED: The Laziest Zodiac Signs (& The Most Hardworking Ones), According To Astrology

2. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) Today, Pluto in Capricorn unites with the Moon still in Libra entering Scorpio and Mercury in Taurus. This energy brings up issues or themes in your romantic life. For you, that’s great news. Before the Moon transitions into Scorpio, it will help bring some peace and ease to conversations and even interactions with others, especially those relationships that have been feeling strained. With this Capricorn energy hanging onto this part of your life, you have been and will continue to be invited to get more into your truth. This is living it as much as it may mean discovering it in some areas. Pluto does not always provide the easiest transitions. Still, as it leans into that Libra energy with the Moon and meets up with Mercury in Taurus, you will feel more in balance and more peaceful. Today would be a great day to either address some things that it feels like you have not been able to find a compromise on or to take a break and enjoy the day leaving important conversations for another time. This will vary depending on what it feels like you need. Still, the ultimate result should be you feeling happier because you gave yourself what you needed, which goes back to making sure that before you worry about anyone else, you remember to first care for yourself. RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Does To Stay Happy, According To Astrology

3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) Gemini Season always brings a lot up for you regarding your committed relationships and even what that means for the future. Romance and love are ruled by this air sign, so it always makes sense that topics like this come up around this time. With the eclipses, Mercury turning direct, and Saturn turning retrograde, this year has been a bit more intense. Today with the Gemini Sun uniting with that intense Scorpio Moon, things could take an interesting turn for you. Feelings will rise to the surface, and any truths you have been holding onto may begin to feel impossible to keep. This is in preparing for the big event on the 11th, where Venus, the planet of love, makes waves as it is connected to Uranus in Taurus. These two are known for shocking events and turnarounds and will make their debut just a few days before your own full Moon. Take this time to absorb your feelings and try more than anything to not let yourself deny your own truth. Your truth is your greatest asset and a weapon for all who try to convince you of theirs. This is when you can heal not just yourself but for generations. A big part is seeing that your greatest joy will always mirror your deepest truth. RELATED: The Healthiest Choices Your Zodiac Sign Should Make, According To Astrology Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.