Yes, that’s right, we are about to step into the influence of a very helpful transit called the Moon in Gemini, and whenever we get the chance to feel its clout, we can rest assured that things are about to get better. In love as in romance, we are about to cross that threshold, and the currency that we’ll use in order to gain access to the happier realms is called “communication”. Thank you, Mercury, we didn’t know you cared. Mercury does care, or at least it feels that way when it’s transiting the Moon. What we can expect on this day is a refreshed new take on what it’s like to be in a successful relationship. It’s as if we are about to finally take a hint: the kicker is in the talk. TALK.     We will single-handedly renew our romance by using the beauty of language. By the end of the day, we might even be shocked at how a few good words can make all the difference in the world. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Are Happy To Be Single Vs. Those That Need To Be In A Relationship There will be those of us who will take this planetary transit to heart, and that would be a very advisable thing to do. If you get the idea that maybe it’s best to open up the gates to honest communication with your partner — or partner-to-be, then get on it. Your instincts are correct and you are feeling this because Moon in Gemini wants you to feel it. Grab yourself a thesaurus and work that magic, zodiac signs. You have a loved one who is simply dying to hear what you have to say. Improve that love life of yours!

During the Moon in Gemini November 9 - 11, 2022, the three zodiac signs whose love life improves include:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) When you got into the relationship you’re in now, you made it a point to say whatever was on your mind and to allow a safe space for your partner to feel free to do the same. So far, so good and then, the familiarity set in, and everything seemed to take a step down. It’s still good, but it’s not great — not in the way you used to feel about the word, ‘great’. Now, it’s there. Not doing much of anything other than existing. During the Moon in Gemini, on November 9, you’ll get a recharge on those love batteries as you come to realize that there really is nothing wrong with what you have, it’s that you need to do the maintenance on the relationship, and without it, it will fall into nothingness. So, the maintenance, you will discover revolves around communication. Ah, just like the old days. Seems the same old tricks still do the trick. Time to upgrade! RELATED: What You Want Vs. What You Need In A Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22) At this point in time, you’ve come to the realization that you don’t want to start over. You don’t want a new love, and you don’t want to date. You just want to stay with the person you are with, and if that means you live a mediocre life with a mediocre person in a mediocre love affair, then that’s what you get in this life. That is your feeling until November 9 comes around, and offers you Moon in Gemini, which wants nothing to do with mediocrity, especially when it comes to love. So, to jolt you, you may do this one last ‘passionate’ gesture: you will open your mouth and you will say what’s on your mind to the person who desperately needs to know what is on your mind. You will talk. Just the two of you. As if it were the old days when you both had hope and dreams to pursue. Act on that impulse to open the communication up, Virgo. Watch your relationship improve. RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Refuse To Settle In Relationships, According To Astrology

3. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) You are a talented speaker. You have no problem advising or guiding people, especially in the workplace. But something has happened to you over the years you’ve become intimidated to speak when you are around your romantic partner. You fear upsetting them and so you’ve unconsciously begun a campaign of repression. It hits you that you are complicit in the disintegration of the partnership, and that, if that is indeed true, then you are an important player in what brings the two of you back into each other’s good graces. During the transit Moon in Gemini, you will be more than inspired to speak up and set things straight; you will grab your partner in a warm embrace and you will let them know that they are ultimately the most important person in your life and that you ’need to talk.’ It’s all good! RELATED: The Most Affectionate Zodiac Signs Ranked From Touchy Feely To Standoffish Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.