When Moon square Uranus leads the way, we can pretty much know that ’the way’ is to an ending, as this transit will be responsible for many of us wanting to break up with the person we’re with at this time. Not everything is meant to last, and we’ll be complete with that kind of thinking during Moon square Uranus. There’s no reason to carry this thing on any longer; it’s quite clear that the person we are with is not the one we want to be with forever, and so, knowing this, we aim to end it all, on this day, September 22, 2022. This transit, Moon square Uranus, is another way of saying “I am not going to become someone else for the sake of love.” RELATED: How Libra Season 2022 Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Relationship From September 23 - October 22, 2022 RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Horoscope For September 1 - 30, 2022 That’s right, and that is also one of the main feelings we have today when it comes to love. Hey, we tried, and big deal another ending is on the horizon. It happens because that’s how love works: it doesn’t always. We may come to realize on this day that we are starting to lose ourselves to this other person. We may remember that we’re not the sad sack who worries all the time about their love life, or perhaps it may occur to us that we were better off without this person in our lives. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Tarot Card Reading For October 1 - 31, 2022 Today brings us freedom, but we’re going to have to work for it, and that means we need the courage to tell the person we’re with that it’s over. We need out.

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want To Break Up During The Moon Square Uranus On September 22, 2022

1. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) Another one bites the dust. You can’t sweat this one too much, Scorpio, and though you are just as much a part of the problem as is the person you are in a romantic relationship with, you seem to know your boundaries, and today will be the day those boundaries are seriously crossed. You don’t ask for the world when it comes to love — you just want your life to be respected, and that’s exactly what you fear is ending. You aren’t getting the respect you need and in your mind, that’s a deal-breaker. And so it should be. However, your present partner is clueless and has no idea of how awful they’ve become. In fact, you see something in them that would allow them to grow more and more comfortable with their disrespectful habits and you know you don’t want it to go on another day. You are about to break it off, Scorpio. Free yourself. RELATED: Never Ignore These 5 Things If You Want A Healthy Relationship

2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) Enough with the ego flare-ups, already! That’s your feeling today, and the more you think about it, the more you find out that not only are you not in love with the person you’re in a relationship with, but you aren’t even sure if you like them anymore. So, what’s the point of staying in this relationship? There is none. You’ve got Moon square Uranus working your last nerve and honestly, you’re not up for having your nerve worked. All you wanted was a peaceful, fun-loving, and respectful romance and now, all it’s turned into is this routine. It’s boring, and the person you’re with is a dullard deluxe. You don’t mind quiet or calm times, but you aren’t up for this kind of drudgery, and when a romance becomes drudgery, then it gets a rousing “oh hell no” from you. Time to move on, Sagittarius. You don’t need this. RELATED: 11 Signs He’s Not In Love — You’re Just Convenient

3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) What makes this day feel so bad for you is that you don’t like to fail at anything, and the recognition of what’s gone on in your relationship feels like pure failure to you. While you can readily admit that the person you’re with is just NOT FOR YOU, you are not ready to take any responsibility for your part in what eventually will become the end of this affair. You’re also not someone who looks too closely at your own actions and so the inevitable ending will be blamed solely on the other person. The feeling of failure looms high and you don’t like it, but you’d rather accept defeat than continue on with someone who clearly isn’t for you. So, as the day progresses, you will come to the conclusion that the only option available to you is to end it. And you will do just that, today. RELATED: 14 Warning Signs He’s Playing You For A Fool (And You Need To Let Him Go) Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.