This is one of the most sensitive, sensitivity-inducing transits and it is one of the ‘magic’ cosmic events that can actually help us to understand that we must heal if we are to go on. This is a time for healing, and on August 21, we who are hurt will resolve the heartache that we’ve lived with for too long. So, let us use this transit, the Moon in Cancer, as a ray of hope; let us see that we are not defined by the pain we’ve held on to, and that, as if this day forward, we need not grasp so tightly to the heartache that we’ve started to think of as our daily existence. There is no reason to hold on any longer; it’s officially time to say goodbye to a memory that brings pain and an existence that is defined by heartbreak.  RELATED: How Mercury Retrograde’s Shadow Period Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Relationship Horoscope From August 22 - September 9, 2022 RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Week, August 22 – 28, 2022 We know that we’ve kept the pain going and that letting go has always been an option, but many of us felt guilty about letting go of the past as if we show some sort of disloyalty simply by wanting to escape it. We owe the past nothing, signs. The past no longer exists and the more we hang on to it, especially if that past has turned us into mindless zombies, the more we waste precious time. Life is precious and time is limited. Wake up and let the Moon in Cancer do its job. Let yourself be healed.

The three zodiac signs who stop loving an ex during the Moon in Cancer from August 21 – 23, 2022.

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

You’ve always responded instantly to the call of the Moon in Cancer, and today will be no different; there is something in your life that you’ve kept a secret. Nobody else knows, but your closest friends have always picked up on something; you are mysterious and you’d prefer for them to pick up on ‘mystery’ as opposed to the real cause of your mysterious attitude, which is, that you are still hurting over an old relationship, and you don’t know what to do with these feelings. You aren’t able to see what you’re getting out of all this, yet you cling so tightly to the idea that you are in pain and that this is somehow your cross to bear. You never even considered giving this pain up until now, and now that it seems possible, you grow more and more interested. It does seem as though this may be your time, Cancer. Time to let this person of the past go so that you can claim yourself back again. RELATED: 11 Psychological Tricks To Make Your Ex Regret Losing You

2. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) The one reason you haven’t fully let go of the one person who destroyed your heart is that you weren’t aware that it would be a good idea. You believed that if you stuff those emotions down, you could just as easily pretend that everything is OK, and get on with your life. But you never confronted this heartache; you only pushed it away as if it were something manageable, which it has proven impossible to be. The only way to manage it is to get rid of it, and the only way to get rid of it is by admitting what it’s worth in your life. Once you see that your heartache is worthless to you, you’ll begin to see it logically. This ancient heartache only saps your energy and makes you into a false person. If you ever want to love again, then you’ll have to make room for that person by sacrificing the area that is now presently housing your heartache. Time to say good-bye, Libra. RELATED: 15 Toxic Things You Do Because You’re Still In Love With Your Ex

3. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) You can be pretty prideful at times, and that pride has cost you; you live in heartache due to a prideful move that you made in the past and you ended up paying dearly for it. Time has passed and it seems that you still hold on to the pain of this wrong move, and the main problem here is that you hold yourself accountable. While taking responsibility is always a good thing, you’ve made yourself into the villain, and that, you are not. On some deeply private level, you’ve decided that you deserve this kind of pain and that if it means suffering on your own, then that’s what you need to do. And then, the Moon in Cancer clicks in and gives you an inkling of an idea as to how to break free from these mental chains. This week will show you that you do not have to keep up this self-punishment for the rest of your existence. In fact, you will finally feel as though there is hope for you as this week progresses. Do yourself a favor and listen to that inner voice…it cries freedom. RELATED: Why You Need To Be Extremely Careful When You Talk About Your Ex Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.