While there was a great amount of activity yesterday, today offers only a couple of different influential connections that will help you go more deeply into what has come up. In these last few days of March, something divine happens within yourself and your life. Mars and Venus, the celestial lovers, have been dancing together through Capricorn and now Aquarius. This energy helps to bring up themes of value, worthiness, love, and how motivated you are to pursue a path in life that is different from what you expected. Now, though, they are beginning to slow, preparing to be separated for the first time in months, which means something is coming together as you transition from March into April. Even if it is just a thought or belief about what you want for your life or who you are, a shift is occurring that will forever mark before and after. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Have the Best Love Life During The Moon In Pisces, March 29 - 31, 2022 Yesterday’s collection of planets, all within Aquarius and only within a few degrees of each other, provided a balanced infusion of confidence and awareness in multiple areas of your life. Everything from how you see yourself to your career, friendships, and even romantic relationships fell under an energetic umbrella. Like we often see, though, today is quieter. Part of this is so that you can process everything that came up yesterday, but the other is to help you go deeper into it as well. With the Moon in loving Pisces today connecting to Uranus, you will be thinking seriously about what you need to do to get your home or personal life back on track. This is echoed in the uniting of Venus and Saturn, who may be trying to show you that all is not lost, that the rough patch you have been going through was about teaching you something, and now you have arrived in perfect time exactly where you are meant to be.

It is all about the journey and never just the destination for these three zodiac signs who have the best horoscopes on March 29, 2022.

1. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) The Moon leaving your zodiac sign today gives you a deeper insight into the feelings that have arisen recently about where you are in your life. Because Jupiter will be moving through your sign for the entirety of this year, it means important things are ahead. There are an enormous number of blessings and wonderful moments awaiting you, but first, you will be asked to work through some things. As much as everyone has a past, you often close down when you are hurt or leave the situation altogether. You know that is not an option this time, even if you consider it. So, recently, a big part of your work has been simply not leaving. To remain open, vulnerable, and work through any anxiety or fears of abandonment that you may have had. Today is a chance to feel the rewards of doing that. While yesterday provided some external proof about how worthwhile this new path is, you will feel deeper security internally today. You will be able to see just how differently you acted this time and how good it feels to finally be operating from a place of healing instead of wounding. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want Love That’s Uncomplicated During Moon Conjunct Venus Starting March 28 - 29, 2022

2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) You may be wondering when this current chapter will be over, and while it might seem like good news because you only have a week or so left, there is a part of you that will miss this intensity when it is gone. Mars and Venus have been in a tight embrace while they danced through Aquarius since the beginning of the month. This has turned up the heat and conversations in your life, especially your romantic life. You are in the final pages of this valuable time in your life. At this point, you understand what makes it so special. You know that even if it has been challenging at times, it has also truly been the catalyst for an entirely new level you did not even know existed. Right now, it is important to embrace this time and the feelings that it brings. Life is not supposed to be all intense moments, but it is important to make the most of them when they do happen. Be in all of it. The difficult conversations, the tears, the joy, and all the healing and transformation that is coming up right now. Even once the celestial lovers begin to shift into Pisces next week and this part of your journey ends, you will still be able to see how the story continues. It will just be different than you had once thought. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs With A Rough Horoscope The Week Of March 27 - April 2, 2022

3. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) Right now, it is likely that there are all sorts of reflections happening in your romantic life. A big part of this is the breath of fresh Aquarian energy that you have been enjoying thanks to Mars and Venus hanging out here since the start of the month. It is not just about dates and finding someone to spend Friday nights with. This has been great energy which means that it is also about reflecting on your past and making sure that you have not missed anything in terms of lessons that could play a part in your current situation. But there has also been an influx of confidence, which is helping you begin to think about putting yourself out there and being vulnerable once again. If you have not yet sat down and done some major reflection about your romantic history and the choices that you have made, today with Venus and Saturn connecting, it would be an excellent day for it. Saturn sometimes seems harsh but is only trying to have you learn so that you stop repeating past patterns and that you can get out of your way. Now is the time to put in the work to start to see that everything that has happened was only done so you could be led to this moment, not because it was a sentence you had to live out. Both learning and love are always a choice. RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Will Be Affected By The 2022 Spring Equinox Starting March 19 Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.