That, of course, implies that there IS someone, which means we have to whittle the list of ‘who is admired’ down to the few zodiac signs who really are going to find out this kind of ‘specific’ information today. Finding out who loves us isn’t an everyday occurrence, in fact, it’s not really a thing we are even interested in unless, of course, we have a crush on someone and we are waiting to find out if they feel the same. During the Moon in Aquarius, the channels open up and grant us this information. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Weekly Horoscopes For October 31 - November 6, 2022 What’s nice about this day is that while it brings about a certain kind of closure, it also opens the doors to exciting guesses. Some of us will receive good news today: the person we like is mad about us. The initial news will be shocking, fun, and exciting but where to go with such good news? Does this automatically create the conditions for a new romance? One thing is for sure the craziness that comes with a new love is about to begin.     Today is a good day, but we have to take everything in stride. If we’ve just found out that so and so has a major interest in us romantically, we have to play our cards right, especially if this is the person we really do wish to be with. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Luckiest Weekly Love Horoscopes For October 31 - November 6, 2022 During the Moon in Aquarius, we may be tempted to overcompensate and end up looking like fools but honestly so what? Being a fool for love is what we do best. It surely is wonderful to discover that you are loved and it’s always worth taking a chance on.

The three zodiac signs who find out who loves them during the Moon in Aquarius starting October 31, 2022:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) You might find yourself chuckling over some news that comes your way today and that smile that’s on your face? It’s going to show that you are not only surprised but pleased as punch. Seems that there’s someone in your group of friends that has designs on you and that they’ve ’loved you for ages’ and are only now letting you know. This is a direct result of the transit of the Moon in Aquarius, which is known for its ability to process information and rapidly get it to whoever needs it. Today brings you the knowledge that you are loved. It’s not just a crush, though, in all honesty, it might as well be. But this person does not feel it’s a crush; they believe it’s true love and they are now asking you if you are interested in reciprocating their feelings. You’ll need time to think, but the fun part is that you actually ARE interested. RELATED: How The Zodiac Signs Act Around Their Crush, According To Astrology

2. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) During Moon in Aquarius, you will receive word from someone telling you that they have always loved you and that they desperately needed to tell you that. While you are impressed by their nerve, you aren’t as sure about their love as they are, and even though the whole thing is flattering, it’s also a bit invasive. You know what it’s like to receive messages from secret admirers, and it’s not the glittering parade of flattery that one would think, in fact, it makes you feel studied, and watched. You aren’t fond of the idea of having a stalker, and while this person presents literally ZERO threat to you, you aren’t really the right person to respond to this kind of connection. You aren’t interested in this person, and you resent being put in the position of having to reject someone. You didn’t want to have to be ’the bad guy’. RELATED: How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You Over Text

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) There’s a reason why you find out who loves you today, and that is because you asked. You asked the universe, you asked friends, and you asked acquaintances online. It might have started out as a joke, but someone it turned into a call to the sky: “Does anybody love me?” We all feel this way at times, but you were more curious than anyone else, and so, the universe picked up on this inquiry, and during Moon in Aquarius, it took you seriously and decided to give you an answer. Today you will find out that yes, there is someone who loves you, and they are a lot closer to you than you ever expected. It seems that your true love was there all the time, but you needed something more, some ‘other’ kind of proof. You’ll get this proof today, October 31, 2022. You are loved and after today, you’ll know exactly who is providing that love for you. RELATED: 11 Signs A Man Is Subconsciously In Love With You — From The Depths Of His Soul Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.