When we think of something like love, we rarely think about ‘planning’ the end of it, and no one ever says, “Yeah, this coming Tuesday? I’m totally planning to fall OUT of love.” And while this is never really said, there’s something there to suggest that falling out of love is exactly what one wants, on this particular day. Today, we are hosting the Moon opposite Saturn in our sky, and this transit is the kind that pushes us one way or another, off the fence, so to speak.     RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On November 15, 2022 If we have even the slightest doubt in our mind about staying with the person we are with, or if we feel doubt over the degree of love we actually feel for this person…if we doubt, we steer ourselves to the ending. If we second guess, we know what’s coming next: the ending. We may feel great respect for the person we are involved with, and we may not want to hurt them at all, but we also cannot lie to ourselves about our own true and honest feelings: we have fallen out of love, and it has been ‘helped’ by the Moon opposite Saturn. So, on November 15, 2022, beneath the Moon opposite Saturn sky, certain zodiac signs in astrology will pick up on the cue and they will announce something that may not be received well, and that is that we are no longer in love. It just…happened. Didn’t mean to cause harm, the truth is the truth, and we are no longer in love.

The three zodiac signs who fall out of love during the Moon opposite Saturn on November 15, 2022:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) You know full well how you can kid yourself, and you’ve done so for a long time now, is that your strong feelings of love for the person you are present with have dissipated and turned into something much less than what they used to be. Today may very well be the day when you admit this to yourself and allow yourself the freedom of one particular truth. Sad as it may be, you cannot feel what you feel as it is very real to you. During the Moon opposite Saturn, you will recognize very clearly the extent of your feelings or lack thereof, and being the person you are, you will more than likely fill your loved one in this condition. Things have to change and you know it, Aries. It’s time to own your feelings and take a chance on them, as they may be what gets you to the next phase in your life. RELATED: How To Know He Has Feelings For You, Based On His Zodiac Sign

2. Libra

(September 23 - October 22) Your nature is to be kind and not hurt anyone, but you have to take into consideration that you might be hurting your own yourself by denying something that is very real to you: you are no longer in love. If you feel this way, during the Moon opposite Saturn, the feeling will be exacerbated, and you’ll have to deal with it. You can no longer go on in this relationship for ’their sake’. While you want nothing to do with hurting this person or even letting them down, you don’t think you can manage an entire lifetime spent with them, pretending that you feel more than you do, for them. It’s time for you to come to terms with your real feelings. If you are no longer in love, that’s normal — it happens. But staying with someone whom you no longer feel in love with is hard to do, so you have the decision to make. RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Hide Their Emotions & Are Uncomfortable With Feelings

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) You only know what your heart tells you, and you trust in your gut feeling, and, during Moon opposite Saturn, your heart tells you that you no longer feel in love with the person you are with. You hurt them, in advance, in fact, your project is how bad they will feel if they find out your true feelings. Still, you honor this person and you know that it’s only right for you to come clean and tell them how you really feel. So, during the Moon opposite Saturn, you have your hands full, but you can relinquish this weight if you let them know, and because you are dedicated to the truth, you will do that. You might feel hesitant at first about delivering the less-than-glorious news, but you need to do what’s right so as to not lead this person to think that you have feelings for them that you do not. RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Are Emotionally Empty And Feel Nothing Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.