Long-lasting relationships rarely work like clockwork. Where there are human beings, there are foibles and personality clashes. On this day, September 24, 2022, we will come to understand that if we are to be a part of the success story that is our love life, then we, too, must endure the hardships so that we may rise above. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Tarot Card Reading For October 1 - 31, 2022 RELATED: How To Tap Into The Two-Sided Psychic Energy You Already Have Inside You Today brings us one such transit: Venus opposes Neptune. This play of the stars pits us against the person we are in a relationship with for the purpose of forcing us to respond positively. Venus is the planet of love and beauty; it’s not going to let us down, but it’s also not going to let us have it all without our showing some thoughtful effort being made. If we want the success of a long-term loving romance, then we need to show the universe that we can endure the ups and downs of one. RELATED: 7 Simple Strategies For Attracting Someone Who Treats You Right Neptune works on our dreams, inner thoughts and fantasy life. When we have Neptune transits, we may start to compare our real life to that of our fantasies. Anytime we compare things, we lose. The worst thing is to compare our lover to an ideal lover, one that only exists in the mind. We may see some of this happening today, but the good part is that during Venus opposite Neptune, we will come to realize that nothing is as good as what we already have.

Which three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on September 24, 2022?

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) It’s not as if you haven’t considered ditching the entire effort when it comes to saving and sparing your love life. You and your partner have been through some very rough times together, and during Venus opposite Neptune, you’ll feel like you’re at the breaking point. Still, the love is there and neither of you wants to end it, which means that you both will have to become resolved in the efforts that will bring you back together again, as one. You are in luck, because first of all, you’re an Aries, and when you decide on something, it basically HAS to happen, and you also have the love and support of your partner, who is very keen on trying. You are lucky in love today because you are smart enough to make it work, and that is what Venus opposite Neptune is about. RELATED: The 3 Words That Change A Major Fight Into The Deepest Love

2. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20) You’ve heard of couples who like to fight, just so that they can feel both alive and get to the point where they’re making up? Well, you are sort of in a relationship like that. You enjoy getting heated and tense; it makes your blood boil and that makes you feel like you’re alive and relevant. Today, during Venus opposite Neptune, you’ll have yet another of those famous fights of yours, knowing that fighting is merely foreplay in your world. Each time you and your partner spar, you learn something new about each other, and that’s the difference with you, Taurus; you are open to learning more about your partner. You want to know how they react under duress and it pleases you to know that each time you go at it, you end up stronger. That’s how today works out for you. This transit gives you the ultimate power to know that you literally can’t go wrong with this person. You have both become familiar with each other’s ways, and that brings you closer. RELATED: Why Having The ‘Same Old Fight’ Is A Sign You May Be Soulmates

3. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) Getting over hard times is what you specialize in, and you certainly know how rough it’s been between you and your long-standing partner in romance. You have been through it all, and while you don’t exactly welcome the harder times, you see these challenges as signposts that point you towards greater knowledge. You aren’t in this for ease, nor are you involved with your partner for the reasons of growing bored of them. You want to grow with this person and during Venus’s opposition to Neptune, you will find that this is basically your style. You will fight for them, and you will fight against them but however you go about making this relationship work, you know one thing; you trust them, you are trustworthy in return, and this is the greatest love you’ll ever know, so why blow it? You are way too smart for that, Gemini. RELATED: If You Fight About These 10 Things, You’re In An Unhealthy Relationship Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.