RELATED: How Libra Season 2022 Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Relationship From September 23 - October 22, 2022 In fact, on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 three zodiac signs will be luckiest in love. We’ll be enjoying the benefits of this amazing transit, and it will show up in our lives as a promise, togetherness, and willingness to grow within the relationship. The Moon trine Jupiter is so chock full of positive energy that we will literally have to fight it if we don’t want it to be as spectacular as it promises. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Month For September 1 - 30, 2022 The luck in love goes out to those who are already in relationships, today. The Moon trine Jupiter works on strong foundations; we have to believe in what we have to begin with in order for the ‘magic’ to kick in. The magic is found in broad-minded thinking and in the ability to compromise for the sake of making things stronger. We don’t sacrifice today; we build. Jupiter’s energy won’t let us down. Supporting us in love and in life is what it does best. RELATED: The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign Starting September 19 - September 25, 2022 So, today will help us see our way through any difficulties that may have come up in the relationship, and it will make it so that both parties are able to be satisfied and hopeful. This transit isn’t going to take a hopeless situation and make it better; its power is in working with the solid foundation, the already established goodness if you’ve got that going for you, then you’ll get to experience the luck that comes along with the Moon trine Jupiter.

Read on to find out which three zodiac signs will be the luckiest in love on September 21, 2022.

1. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) You feel as though you aren’t someone who asks for much when it comes to your love relationship. In this way, you attract the right person and become the luckiest in love. While you don’t ask for a LOT, you do keep your ‘must have’ list for strictly important things, like your person must respect you and your need for space. You also need honesty and transparency; lies will end things quickly, and your partner must agree to this. Fortunately, your partner is basically a carbon copy of you, as it tends to be that way in Sagittarius relationships. This relationship is rock solid and this transit helps you to understand just how fortunate you are. You stuck to your path, and it was a good idea. You found yourself someone who believes in everything that you stand for, and today makes you both feel like you’ve done a good thing. RELATED: If Your Guy Has These 10 Qualities, Don’t Ever Lose Him

2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) Let’s face it, as a Capricorn, you are pragmatic even when it comes down to who you love and how that relationship should look. At this point, we have the Moon trine Jupiter to guide you, and what it’s going to bring up in you and your mate is the sense that, yes, you did the right thing by deciding to be together. Jupiter has such a good effect on couples, especially couples that are in love and plan to stay that way. You really aren’t someone who wants fast love or casual relationships; you want to settle in and know it’s a good thing. During the Moon trine Jupiter, you feel confident; there are no nagging thoughts to disturb you, and while things feel very lovey-dovey, there’s also wiggle room for your pragmatism. That means that you feel secure enough in your love affair that you can actually just be yourself. You are free, Capricorn. Love does not hold you back. RELATED: Couples Who Share These 8 Core Values Have The Happiest, Healthiest Relationships

3. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18) What you have wanted in a relationship is what you will be getting on September 21, as the Moon trine Jupiter takes to the sky and shows you that your best dreams were not only possible but they also manifest. For the first time in a long while, you were very specific with your mate; before you even began this love affair, you let them know that you have some very clear rules and that if they want anything to do with you, then they would have to respect those rules. What’s taking place now is that your set of rules is simple stuff to the person who loves you, and this kind of super-compatibility is the only way they can function well in a relationship, too. With both of you respecting each other’s boundaries, you feel like you can be yourself while knowing you are in the presence of someone who feels similarly. You and your mate are going to cross a new border on this day. You will both get a real taste of true love in the form of mutual respect. RELATED: Why Every New Relationship Needs The 3-Day Rule Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.