It’s kind of hard to go wrong on a day like Thursday, with the Sun trine Moon and the Moon sextile Neptune in the sky. These planetary transits rev up our desire to be loved. But three zodiac signs will indeed get the love they desire on September 15 and will be giving their share as well. RELATED: How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You Which three zodiac signs will be the luckiest? What makes this day so lucky for Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius is that we have someone to give our hearts to, and that kind of does the trick for us.  We’ve wanted this kind of outlet — we’ve been waiting for someone to accept all we have to give. Today provides that experience for certain signs of the Zodiac. We also have our Moon in Gemini, which adds to our experience so much as it allows us to see both sides of the situation. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Monthly Horoscope For September 1 - 30, 2022 Gemini energy is thoughtful energy, and that means that we’re not just diving in without thinking first. No, we have considered the person we are with to be someone of quality; we would not waste our precious time on someone we haven’t ‘vetted’ first. Oh yes, we’ve checked this person out, and now we’re smitten. Can it possibly be any better than the person we’ve chosen to be the partner? Certainly not in our minds, and well, that’s kind of where we live 24-7. Sun trine the Moon is pure potential and outrageous positivity. This is the day where dreams not only come true, they come into being for the first time. Today gives us the power to recognize our romantic dreams as possibilities and paths for happiness and contentment. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Luckiest Day Of The Month For September 1 - 30, 2022 We will enjoy the experiences that we share with loved ones on this day because nothing feels ‘off’ and everything feels possible. That’s the Sun trine Moon, for you!

Three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love on September 15, 2022

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) You’ll be experiencing something you aren’t accustomed to feeling on this day, and that will be total peace in your relationship. You might not even know what to do with yourself, as you’re pretty much on guard every day, waiting for the ball to drop. Today puts you in touch with the idea that you, too, can have a successful romantic relationship, and that you somehow haven’t been left out of the picture. This may even be upsetting to you because you’re not used to feeling at peace, and yet, there is no doubt here: things are going well for you and your partner, and come to think of it…it doesn’t look like anything is about to change that. So, it’s up to you to take that super positive Sun trine Moon energy and accept it for what it is. Face it, Gemini, you, too, can enjoy your life and that means, yes, your love life, too. Feel free to relax, which we all know is a tall order for you, Gemini. RELATED: The Totally Legit Reason Successful People Take Longer To Commit To A Relationship

2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) If there’s one thing you don’t like to admit, it’s that you ever do anything wrong. While you are smart enough to know that, of course, everyone makes mistakes, when it comes to your love life, you prefer to slink into the darkness before admitting that you really did the wrong thing. You are in luck today, Leo, as all of your major crimes — which are no crimes at all — are absolved by the person you love. You were living in this fantasy that your person was going to turn on you for all the ‘bad’ things you’ve done to them, but it turns out that all of this negativity was more in your mind than it was in theirs. You will be loved completely during the Sun trine Moon, which falls on September 15. Enjoy yourself and let the sun shine down on you. Work with this energy and stop making yourself into such a villain. You’re not a villain and you deserve to be loved. So, get out of your own way and let it happen. RELATED: 3 Main Reasons Men Lose Interest — And How To Get It Back

3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) Being loved was never something you’ve done without, in fact, you are a very loved person…you just haven’t been loved by the one person you wanted to love you and that’s sort of set the tone for your entire love life. Today has you coming to terms with both letting go of this person and making room in your heart for someone new. Just the idea of making space immediately alerts the universe of major change, and as you begin to work with the cosmos, most especially the transit Sun trine Moon, you will start the process of attracting to you the finest people you’ve ever met. One of these people will become your next romantic partner, and ready or not, there they come. The good part is that you are now ready. It’s taken a while, but you finally feel ready to let go of the past for the purpose of welcoming in the future. RELATED: How To Manifest The Love Of Your Life Using This Simple Law Of Attraction Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.