While everyone will get that chance on May 9, some zodiac signs will be feeling it even more so than others. As we all know, Leo is the sign of the show-off, the superstar, the one who grabs all the attention and makes it all worthwhile. Leo is our entertainer, our charming politician, and our charismatic actor. Leo is the person who wins the awards and wows our eyes on the red carpet. RELATED: How The Quarter Moon In Leo Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope The Rest Of May 2022 While we won’t necessarily be walking on any red carpets, some of us might as well, as the positive attention we’ll be getting over the new couple of days will be off the chain. Moon in Leo can also be a transit that encourages us to believe in ourselves and take that chance or go for a better situation or begin to see ourselves as worthy of the best. Moon in Leo sets the bar high, and when we participate in its influence, we become better people because we want to become better. This is a transit that inspires risk-taking, adventure, the nerve to speak up, the self-confidence to try something new, and the ability to capture the attention of whomever we want. And this doesn’t skip over the physical part; Moon in Leo brings out our radiance: we feel beautiful and desirable during this wonderful transit.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Attractive To Everyone During The Moon In Leo On May 9, 2022:

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) You are about to experience something phenomenal; an unraveling of sorts like a butterfly emerging from the cocoon. You feel as though you’ve been in hiding for way too long. The pandemic put us all behind in so many ways, and some of us got used to staying at home, waiting for some sign of safety before we actually leave the house again. Now that the ‘coast is clear’ (ish) you personally can’t wait to tackle the streets once again, except during Moon in Leo, you don’t plan on making your re-entry a small thing. You feel like you’re in fine physical form, and you want to go outside and wow the crowd. You’re feeling better than ever and you want attention, and you’ll get it during this transit because Leo’s energy won’t take no for an answer. What you aren’t expecting are the praises you are about to receive for all that you’ve done to improve your physical appearance. RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Monday, May 9, 2022

2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22) Moon in Leo could be just another day in the world of Leo, but this transit is especially effective for you, as you know how to get the response you want. And, what you want is attention. You want it positive, almost worshipful (if you can get it), and completely affirmative of your physical being. In other words, you are about to put on a fashion show for your neighbors, a catwalk presentation for those who pass you by on the streets, and a grand finale of visuals for whomever just happens to run into you in a restaurant or shop. You are in ’that kind of mood’ today, and you are fueled by the stares of strangers; this is your jam, ultimately. You want attention and you want it for all the things everyone else wants it for: your looks, your style, your attitude, and all eyes will be on you, Leo, because nobody knows how to thrill us more than YOU. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Tarot Card Reading For May 9, 2022

3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) You’ve never been afraid of the spotlight, and if it’s your turn to shine, then we’d better all get our sunglasses on because when Sagittarius takes over, all eyes are on you. You are similar to Leo in the sense that Fire signs tend to do things with more passion, and their sense of excellence is not only something admirable, it’s what they embody when the time is right. And during Moon in Leo, the time is right, and if you’re a Sagittarius, then you will be doing some serious showing off at some point on May 9, 2022. You love to show off, and as Kanye West says, “I didn’t know that you could take it this far. What do I know?” And truly, what do we know when it comes to you getting all the attention during Moon in Leo? We know NOW that you’ll be thriving on the positive energy that comes your way during this time. Suck it up, Sag! RELATED: The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On Monday, May 9, 2022 Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.