We have made provisions for our loved ones, and we’ve come to know their ups and downs, ins and outs. We’ve shared our true selves with these people and if they are still here, standing by our side, then we need to call these people ‘keepers.’ This week brings about the strong revelation that life is short, and if we find someone THIS good, then we need to hang on to them. No questions asked. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For December 19 - 25, 2022 The whole idea of ‘if you love someone, set them free’ sounds way better in a song than it does in a real-life situation. This week brings up the idea of attachment. Sure, we’d all like to be as cool as the singer who makes us think he has no attachments, implying that he is some sort of ascended master, but the truth is…we’re not him, and honestly, he’s missing out on something. (Because he’s actually NOT a bodhisattva, duh.) So, let’s get down to live on earth for us regular folks. Jupiter in Aries pumps up the volume on our love lives, as we come to know that we need to put in an effort if we are to reap the rewards. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Tarot Horoscope For December 19 - 25, 2022 With the Moon in Sagittarius at hand, we do not see that we are trapped by this person; rather, our romantic partner is what brings us the freedom we are seeking. We don’t have to set anybody free this week, and we’re fine with that.

The three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love during the week of December 18 - 24, 2022:

1. Aries

(March 21 - April 19) You know what works and you know what doesn’t when it comes to you and the people you bring into your romantic world. You’ve made your mistakes, but it seems that those mistakes have finally been moved to the back burner. Who was that old love that took up way too much of your time? You can hardly remember them anymore, and when you realize that this is how you think now, you’ll be blown away. You got over your ex, holy smokes, how the heck did you pull that one off? Still, you did, and that makes this week even better for you because now you can present yourself as a whole person to your next love. You knew this would be the case, and you felt you weren’t ready to lay all your baggage on another person. Well, guess what? The baggage has been removed from your life, and now you are ready to proceed like a boss. RELATED: If You Make These 25 Relationship Mistakes, Expect Major Problems

2. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22) Phew, what a year it’s been. You’ve always been a believer in cause and effect, as well as the Law of Attraction, and it was during this year that you put in a good solid affirmation, stating that by the end of the year, you wanted to find love, as in ’the real deal.’ Who says wishes don’t come true, or in your case, who says that positive intentions don’t manifest as beautiful realities? You are going to meet someone today, and they are going to introduce you to a whole new world of hope and possibility. It does seem as though your intentions are coming through for you, which makes it a very lucky week, indeed. An added plus is that, as you share your joyful information with friends, they will all feel wonderful for you, and they will encourage you to keep on keeping on. Do it, Cancer! RELATED: 4 Ways To Stop Sabotaging Your Own Happiness — And Get Back To What Brings You Joy

3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21) You are just flowing with all the good vibes this week, Sagittarius, as your feeling is, “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” There’s just so much frenetic energy going on, and between you and your partner, you might either go stark raving nuts or, you could both agree that “It’s only the holidays!” And so, like the good Sagittarius that you are, you will roll with it. You and your mate are close; you flow like water, and if you decide on something, then your mate easily goes with it…and vice versa. This ease of relating is something that you cherish and appreciate, as not everyone gets this kind of relationship. While it may not end up as the most romantic week of your life, it most certainly will be remembered as one where you were able to have carefree fun. You are saying NO to stress this week, and your partner supports you in this. RELATED: 14 Super-Simple Ways To Relieve Stress In 5 Minutes Or Less Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.