Aquarius, also known as the water bearer, is a sign that can carry the emotions of others and not be influenced by them. Therefore, Aquarius is a little non-traditional when it comes to showing love, but they do love you, they just tend to approach it differently. Aquarius in love is unconventional and different; no two dates will be the same, and they won’t stand for a cookie-cutter night out.

How An Aquarius In Love Acts

Often, their romantic connections start as friendships with people who share their interests and passions. Then, as time goes on, they slowly realize this friendship is something more. They aren’t the type to blurt out, “I love you” without weighing the pros and cons, but even if the words don’t come easily, that doesn’t mean Aquarius doesn’t love you. It just means they show their love in a different way. Aquarius is a loyal lover, though they do need to be constantly intellectually stimulated in order to stick around. They aren’t interested in deliberately hurting someone, so you don’t need to worry about a wandering eye. That said, they do need independence. If you try to control or possess them, it’s likely to have the opposite of your desired effect. Though they are often considered an aloof, detached sign, when you want to know if an Aquarius is in love, you’ll just know. RELATED: The 10 Best And Worst Personality Traits Of Aquarius + Their Perfect Love Match

How Aquarius Women Show Love

1. She will talk to you about anything.

If an Aquarius woman loves you, she will want to talk about everything and anything. She will be interested in what you’re thinking and your stance on anything under the sun. She will want to speak to you more than usual if she truly loves you, as that shows how much she cares about you and your opinions on certain subjects.

2. She will plan trips with you.

Aquarian women love to travel and explore and learn new things. If she wants you to do all of that with her and go on adventures, that’s her way of showing you that she loves you.

3. She’s caring and sensitive.

Aquarius is usually known as emotionally distant and cold, but if your Aquarius woman shows you the compassion and love you desire, it’s just proving how deep her love goes.

4. She shares her deepest thoughts.

When an Aquarius woman lets you know her deepest, darkest secrets and thoughts, this shows that she trusts you with her most personal information. She’s showing you she loves you by letting you see this emotional and soft side of her that she doesn’t reveal often or at all.

5. She reveals her feelings after a long time.

Aquarius doesn’t easily let someone know how they feel, especially when it comes to love. So, it’s going to take a while for an Aquarius woman to let you know her deep feelings about you, especially if she’s in love; that can take an even longer time. Be patient and let her take her time. If you love her and want her to love you, time will tell.

How Aquarius Men Show Love

1. He opens up to you about his secrets.

If an Aquarius man trusts you enough to get a good look at what’s inside his mind and what he thinks about, that’s a good sign he trusts you. It means he loves you enough to tell you his thoughts, and wants to know if you feel the same.

2. He makes time for you in his schedule.

If an Aquarius man makes time for you, that’s a good sign he cares about your relationship. If you’re the type of person who doesn’t bore him and you can have fun together, he will want to spend a lot of time with you. In fact, he will gladly sacrifice his free time if that’s especially important to you.

3. He has deep and meaningful conversations with you.

When an Aquarius man is interested in having a heartfelt and deep conversation, he cares deeply for you. He pays attention to your perspective, likes to hear your view, and shows interest in how you see things through a gentle debate on certain topics.

4. He tells you he loves you.

An Aquarius man is a very social and verbal person, and if he loves you, he’s going to let you know through his words. However, that can be hard for him as relationships are tricky to talk about for Aquarius men. But the fact that he pushed past his fears and let you know his true feelings means everything.

5. He introduces you to important people in his life.

If your Aquarius man introduces you to all the people he loves in his life, like his mom or dad or close childhood or college friends, he’s showing you he loves you and cares for you — just like he does for all these people.

RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs That Are Aquarius Soulmates

Does an Aquarius fall in love easily?

Probably not, but that’s only because they’re worth the wait. Love to Aquarius is like getting into the school of your dreams or finally being able to pay for that new makeup palette you’ve been eyeing. In other words, it’s a big deal. They don’t need these things to be 100 percent happy, so when they’re pursuing them they have to be sure it’s worth their while. Aquarius is much more focused on wider community needs than their own personal connections. There’s no time for dating when there’s a great social change to be made in our flawed society! Aquarius often focuses their attention outward, connecting with communities and different cultures, leaving little time for individual relationships, but if they do have a love relationship it’s probably based on a strong mental connection and love for their significant other.

How Aquarius Shows Affection

This communicative, social sign will probably tell you themselves. They tend to turn all their affections towards the ones they care about, putting in work to care for their partners. It can be almost overwhelming at times, especially coming from someone who is usually away with the clouds. Aquarius shows affection through grandiose actions like a rose petal trail throw the house, flowers delivered to your office, or spontaneous weekends away. Loving an Aquarius is exciting and different, and totally worth putting up with their intermittent craziness. Why? Because their love is better than anyone else’s. Aquarius wouldn’t be Aquarius if they didn’t change the rules just for themselves, right?

Signs That Are The Best Matches For Aquarius

Aquarius will always fall in love with fellow air sign Gemini because the two of them are very compatible, know how to love and talk through their problems, and can genuinely have fun together. Aquarius are also highly sexually attracted to Gemini. Aquarius is most attracted to Geminis, Leos, and Libras. However, out of all the love possibilities, in terms of Aquarius compatibility, the best matches are Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius. Here’s why.

Aquarius and Gemini

These two air signs love to socialize and have fun. They know how to give each other space and keep things fresh in their relationship. They are both intellectually stimulated and can challenge each other to be the best versions of themselves.

Aquarius and Libra

Another equally sociable and compatible sign is Libra. Libra loves to chat and will be endlessly enthralled by Aquarius’ passions and interests, adapting themselves expertly to create a harmonious relationship. Libra might need a bit more emotion than Aquarius is willing to give at times but, so long as they’re both willing to communicate, this can be a solid bond.

Aquarius and Sagittarius

No sign matches Aquarius quite like Sagittarius. They are like two halves of one whole. These signs are both eternal optimists and are passionate about making the world a better place. They can explore the world together and bond over their adventures.

Signs That Are The Worst Matches For Aquarius

Unfortunately, love is not so sweet with Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio.

Aquarius and Taurus

Taurus is traditional and a lover of order. They reject change and won’t respond well to most of what free-thinking Aquarius has to say about society. Compromise is not a strong suit for either of these signs. This stubborn pair will lock horns easily and never agree.

Aquarius and Virgo

Aquarius will find Virgo too uptight and narrow-minded, while Virgo will see Aquarius as careless and too liberal. Virgos want order and a sense of control in a relationship, while Aquarians loves to let loose and have fun.

Aquarius and Scorpio

Scorpio can be too moody and brooding for optimistic Aquarius. They love intensity and passion, which can make Aquarius feel trapped and claustrophobic. When Aquarius wants to be free, Scorpio will likely be jealous and possessive. RELATED: What Does An Aquarius Look Like?

Date Ideas For Aquarius

Aquarius can be somewhat radical, which means they need constant stimulation and entertainment that really pushes the boat out. If you’re whisking an Aquarius away on a date, make it spontaneous, creative, and fun with one of these date ideas.

1. Take a trip to the planetarium.

Aquarius is out of this world, so why not go for a date that is too? They can also be pretty spacey, so this date should be right up their alley.

2. Volunteer together.

Aquarians are humanitarians and love devoting themselves to the greater good of society. Volunteer at a local soup kitchen, animal shelter or attend a community clean-up.

3. Go stargazing.

As an expansive Air sign, Aquarius always wants the bigger picture. This date will allow them to reflect on the vastness of the world.

4. Explore new cultures.

Aquarius loves all things travel. Whether it’s a weekend away or a trip to an exotic restaurant, they’ll be game.

5. Fight for justice.

Show that you care about the same things as your Aquarius partner by organizing a political debate to attend, a march to participate in, or just go picket your local town hall if you’re stuck for ideas!

How to Make an Aquarius Feel Loved

Loving an Aquarius is a constant balancing act. You need to be supportive and there for them, but you also need to know when to back off and give them space. Be open-minded and flexible with your schedules; you may not always be able to have a date night at the same time each week. Aquarius is likely to find a cause they need to champion and will have to cancel at the last minute. Be honest and serious about your values; Aquarius has a strong moral compass and will appreciate it if you do, too. Be spontaneous and full of surprises, never afraid to try new things. Aquarius wants someone who isn’t afraid to let go and be crazy. Don’t ever be judgmental, of them or of others. Aquarius needs someone who is accepting of their quirks and is open-minded to the world. RELATED: Why Is Aquarius So Mysterious? Alice Kelly is a senior news and entertainment editor for YourTango. Based out of Brooklyn, New York, her work covers all things social justice, pop culture, and human interest. Keep up with her on Twitter for more.

Most Important Things To Know About An Aquarius In Love - 20