What does astrology have in store for your love horoscope this Tuesday? Find out. RELATED: Weekly One Card Tarot Reading For November 22 - 28, 2021

What today’s love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Tuesday, November 23, 2021:


Mercury enters a critical degree, and this finishes intensity in your area of shared resources and secrets. This is a good time to do research and a deep dive into paperwork where are you may be searching for an item that you thought you had lost. Don’t be surprised, if a secret is disclosed or information is revealed to you. Also, this can be an antagonistic time for you with others, so you will want to be mentally prepared.


Taurus, The communication planet in your sector of relationships, can bring quite a bit of argumentativeness and hardheadedness on the part of a person with whom you had a relationship with in the recent past. This will be a very difficult day as it can feel as though you are battling against the forces that be. While you may want to get your way find an area of compromise when possible. Try to rethink that stubborn mindset of yours, and come to terms that it is easier to solve everything and move on with your life than to withhold closure when you need it the most.


Your ruling planet will be finishing its transit in your solar house of health and this can start to bring closure to a stressful month for you. You may have been going through some challenges with a significant other whereby communication was broken or challenged. Although it may still take a few days for things to improve, someone you’ve been hoping to hear from but haven’t is likely to be in touch with you in the next week.


Mercury is leaving your romance sector and entering your sector of romance. While this may sound like a downgrade from what you have been experiencing, it’s actually a break from the intensity you have been enduring throughout this month. There have been points of balance and your love life and it’s time for you to start focusing on yourself. For example cleaning your house getting organized and perhaps if you’ve been slacking, return to the gym.


Mercury is finishing its intensity in the sector of home and family, but also authority figures. If you’ve been enduring some difficulty with relatives, and parents, especially about introducing them to a new partner, now is a good time for you to make a stand and decide whether or not this is a dealbreaker for how you’re going to spend your holidays.


Mercury is completing its transit through your solar house of communication. This is a great time for important and key conversations with a potential life partner. If you have been wanting to know if you’re going to be a couple or not, now is a good time to ask. Chances are this week you will know the answer to that question beyond any doubt.


You have needed flexibility but that has been difficult while Mercury has been in your sector of money. There have been too many power-play intentions among family members and lovers, and now you finally will get a break once this energy passes. This is a good time for you to rethink how you do your finances. And also if you have any assets that need to be accounted for in your money-management.


This has been quite a month with mercury and your sign. You have been peeling away the layers of the onion. Going through trials and difficulties. This is possible in preparation for the new lunar transit that will take place next year affecting your relationship and you on a personal level. Take a deep consideration for everything you’ve learned this month as Mercury finishes its transit in your sign, and count it for wisdom.


Some karma that you have been having to deal with in this last month is finally coming to a close. Mercury prepares to leave your sector of hidden enemies who have been playing with your feelings will start to show their true colors. You’ll know exactly who it is you need to cut off from your life forever.


A relationship that has been started off as friends could evolve into something new. Don’t be surprised if the feelings that you have been having for a specific someone are revealed to be mutual and opens up the door to a long-term relationship that you didn’t even know you wanted.


The truth is your partner has been disappointing you due to some of the actions that they have taken, so now is a good time for you to have that heart-to-heart conversation that is difficult but important to have about how this is affected your feelings. If you are unable to get them to see your point of you, you may decide to take some sort of action such as removing certain pictures on your social media and cleansing your social of their presence to prove a point.


Your belief and love will be challenged to the core as mercury completes its transit through your ninth solar house of faith. Prepared to feel as though you have lost all hope and love and relationships. However, as the phoenix rises from the ashes, your heart will once again revive. This will pass. Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango’s Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

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