My female clients frequently tell me things like: “I just want to know that he still finds me attractive.” “Sometimes I can’t even tell if he still wants to be with me.” “A lot of the time during sex he feels really distant. I don’t know if he’s thinking about someone else or just doesn’t want to look at me as much anymore.” Your partner deserves to know how much she affects you. It is important to make her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world in your eyes. RELATED: The 3 Most Attractive Words A Man Can Say To A Woman

Here’s how to make a woman feel beautiful.

1. Use your eyes.

Look at her like she’s all you could ever hope for. Look at her like your eyes are desert sand, and she is the ocean. Look at her in awe. Look at her in disbelief. Look at her with hunger in your eyes. Drink her up with your eyes and let her beauty seep into you. RELATED: 7 Things You Should Be Telling Her Other Than ‘I Love You’

2. Use your hands.

Touch her like you’ve never touched a body before. Touch her like you won’t be seeing her again for months. Touch her as if her skin were made of silk. Touch her from an internal place of awe. Touch her gently. Grab her lustfully. Touch her like you’re healing every one of her emotional demons with each caress. Touch her like you are the luckiest person in the world. RELATED: 6 Things A Man Will Only Do For The Woman He Truly Loves

3. Use your mouth.

Tell her exactly what you find so sexy about her. Tell her what she does to you. Tell her about how she makes you feel butterflies. Tell her how you couldn’t love and respect her mind more than you already do. Tell her how much you love and appreciate her and let it shine through in how you say it to her. Image Credit: Canva RELATED: 8 Things Guys Will Say When They Really, Truly Love You If you really want to know how to make a woman feel beautiful, let your words, voice, and body language all be a love letter to her beauty, intelligence, and depth of intuition. Tell her what you love about her and tell her often. Let her know what you love about her so frequently that it’s never far from her mind. Tell her so often that if you never had an opportunity to add more, you would feel complete with everything that you ever said to her. Just… love her. RELATED: Love Is Something You Do, Not Something You Feel Relationship coach Jordan Gray helps people remove their emotional blocks and maintain thriving, intimate relationships. This article was originally published at The Good Men Project. Reprinted with permission from the author.

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