How will the Full Moon in Leo affect your zodiac sign’s horoscope in February 2022?

With what is often called the “Snow” Full Moon in Leo, we all have a very good chance of having a good day because it activates eclipse energy. Whether this day brings us our dreams come true, or we can finally see an end to a long-standing argument.  This week we put our conflicts aside so that we can live our lives the way we wish to in happiness and health. Full Moon in Leo not only acts like a sunshiny promise, with Venus and Mars still holding hands in Capricorn all month, but this lunation also allows us to believe in ourselves once again, and we all know, that’s a tall order. But this February 2022 Leo Full Moon is not about false hope or empty promises; it’s about fulfillment and joyousness. RELATED: What The Next Full Moon Of 2022 Means For Your Love Life, By Month Each sign of the zodiac will be affected by this Full Moon, and while Leo is also associated with ego, those whose egos will be slapped around will still end up winning (hello, Jupiter, and thank you). This is a very good time to make wishes, to stand back and watch your wishes manifest, and to stay hopeful for the future, no matter what.

Full Moon In Leo: horoscopes for each zodiac sign, February 2022

For Aries zodiac signs born between (March 21 - April 19)

If there’s anyone who can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’, it’s you, Aries. You are resilient itself, and during this Full Moon in Leo, you’ll be revved up with positivity and inner knowledge that the world is definitely your oyster and that if you want things to go well, all you have to do is change your perspective. It’s all in the mind and because you own that, you are able to see the future as…perfect. RELATED: Horoscope For Month Of February 2022, By Zodiac Sign

For Taurus zodiac signs born between (April 20 - May 20)

Full Moon in Leo falls at the most serendipitous moment for you, as you have been on a soul-searching journey where you feel you now need some sturdy answers. You will find your answers on this day, and they will come to you in the way of dreams that come true. You asked, and now you are ready to receive. You can stand back and watch your emotional maturity make life easier for you. You’ve learned, therefore, you have grown. RELATED: The Most Savage Zodiac Signs — And The Meanest Thing They Do To Others

For Gemini zodiac signs born between ((May 21 - June 20) 

This is your big opportunity day, and because it is also the Full Moon in Leo, you’ll take this opportunity and make so much more out of it than you expected to. It’s just green lights for you today, Gemini, and because you’re feeling so excellent about life, you are able to work your special magic on both people and situations. Strive for realistic dreams, but do strive. Dreams do not thrive on the back burner. Bring them to the foreground. RELATED: The Most Popular Zodiac Signs In Astrology, Ranked

For Cancer zodiac signs born between (June 21 - July 22) 

You’ve needed a good excuse to get yourself out of the house and into some creative endeavor, and thanks to Full Moon in Leo, you will be given a grand opportunity. Friends seem to gravitate your way during this transit, and you’d be well advised to hang with them. This isn’t your ‘alone time’ and now that you think about it, you’re probably a little tired of being alone. Let the sunshine in, Cancer — it’s been long overdue in your world. RELATED: Monthly Love Horoscope For February 1 - 28, 2022

For Leo zodiac signs born between (July 23 - August 22) 

Ah, finally the party has begun, and it would appear that you’re not just the host, but you’re the entertainment as well. And what could possibly be better than that ego-stroke, Leo? With the Full Moon in Leo, you are in your element, and that means you’ll be ‘working the room’ and getting the laughs. Making folks laugh really makes your day, and you’ll be pushing that one until nightfall. Just have a ball, Leo — you totally deserve this day. RELATED: Which Zodiac Sign Is The Smartest

For Virgo zodiac signs born between (August 23 - September 22) 

During Full Moon in Leo, you will fall in love with yourself. That’s right, and it’s been long overdue, but you, the same person who spent a lifetime hating your body, your looks, your mistakes … YOU will be falling in love with your own self, and it’s going to feel damned good, Virgo. This lunation expands upon your own self-confidence. You no longer need the approval to come from without; you are the only person who needs to approve of you, and you’ve got that now, in spades. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Fall In Love Quickly Vs. Those That Get Bored Easily In Relationships

For Libra zodiac signs born between (September 23 - October 22) 

It’s a good thing we’re now in Full Moon in Leo because this is the switch in your life that needed to be flipped. Sometimes, it’s just that way with you, Libra.  You take yourself all the way down, and while there, you wait for a glimmer of hope to enter your dark world, so that you can pick yourself up again. Well, it’s here and it’s called Full Moon in Leo, and it is ready to throw sun all over your positive thoughts and hopeful dreams of a better future. RELATED: Horoscope For The Week Of February 14 - 20, 2022

For Scorpio zodiac signs born between (October 23 - November 21) 

You feel the Full Moon in Leo in your bones and it feels good. It’s like a warm breeze that blows over a distant memory of pain and angst. You are ready to let go now whatever trauma occurred, this transit is ready to help you wash away the pain, and because it’s a Full Moon, you will have succeeded in doing this. None of this comes as a surprise to you; you’ve been heading in this direction for a while, but it took the Full Moon in Leo to give you confirmation. Your efforts are right on track and will be successful. RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Hate Each Other The Most?

For Sagittarius zodiac signs born between (November 22 - December 21) 

Give it up and get it all. That’s your motto, Sagittarius, and you’ve come to see that much of the success in your life has come about because you’ve let go of the desperate need to ‘make it so.’ During the Full Moon in Leo, you’ll be letting go of something, once again, and once again you will come to see everything go your way. Because you have finally become detached from something, it will come back to you in a better way. RELATED: Monthly One Card Tarot Reading For February 2022

For Capricorn zodiac signs born between (December 22 - January 19) 

If there’s one thing that the Full Moon in Leo will bring you, it’s a better understanding of what you need to do in terms of your love relationship. You don’t want to fail. You and your mate have been through some rough patches — the kind others might not survive, and yet, you’re still pulling for this, you still refuse to fail. You will be supported by this Full Moon, and if you follow what your heart tells you, you will find success. RELATED: The Most Dangerous Thing About Each Zodiac Sign

For Aquarius zodiac signs born between (January 20 - February 18)

The Snow Full Moon is always a special event for you. No matter what sign it falls under, you are a believer in the Moon and you, at times, may even ‘pray’ to it. While we have the Full Moon in Leo, you will feel especially powerful in your thoughts, and you will feel that you are absolutely in control of your destiny. All things good are there for you to experience. Believing is seeing, my friend, and you make that happen. RELATED: The Funniest Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least Funny

For Pisces zodiac signs born between (February 19 - March 10)

Nobody welcomes this transit as much as you do, Pisces. Full Moon in Leo is an event that has the power to turn your life around. You notice how negative things have been family squabbles, lovers spats, etc…you need to feel that optimistic ray of light in order to keep it going. Full Moon in Leo gives you not only hope, but direction and inspiration to make this newfound hope last and bear fruit. RELATED: The Luckiest Day Of The Year For Each Zodiac Sign In 2022 Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda