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Learn what your zodiac sign’s daily tarot card reading has in store for you on Wednesday, May 04, 2022.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Tarot card: Queen of Wands Aries, there’s one thing that you can say about yourself and that is you have grit and courage. During the day when you have the Queen of Wands, it’s a good thing to remember who you are and all that you bring to the table when life gets tough. Don’t quit; keep going. RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs That Are Aries Soulmates

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Tarot card: The Tower You can handle whatever comes your way. The Tower tarot card spells trouble, but this will be no surprise to you. You anticipate trouble before it arrives, so even if you’re caught a little bit by surprise, you won’t be unprepared for the future. You’ve got this. RELATED: How A Taurus Shows Love Towards Other Zodiac Signs, Per Astrology

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Tarot card: Page of Cups Feelings do get hurt, but that’s OK Gemini, you’re human. You are someone with a tender heart, even if you hide it from others. Today, someone may push your buttons and cause you to feel under attack. This isn’t a time to push emotions under the rug, instead, talk about them. RELATED: How A Gemini Shows Love Towards Other Zodiac Signs, Per Astrology

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Tarot card: Ten of Wands When you only work and don’t make time for play, you lose sight of your goals and dreams. You have so many things in your life that you could enjoy, so don’t let too much time pass before you get back to the basics and have a little bit of fun. RELATED: What Makes A Cancer Happy?

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Tarot card: Nine of Wands The past is your teacher, Leo. Of course, history does repeat itself, but that does not mean you have to respond in the same way as you once did. You are a different person now, and maturity has helped you to evolve into a more sophisticated person. Trust your instincts, so you can rewrite the narrative. You have grown, and now you get to prove it. RELATED: Why Are Leos So Cute?

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Tarot card: The Fool There are things you’re ready to accomplish in this lifetime, and when you see that your chance has arrived you want to pursue it as soon as possible. You have to be careful, though. Rushing ahead of yourself can be a mistake. Be sure to listen to wisdom when you are warned about possible pitfalls along the way. RELATED: Why Virgo Zodiac Signs Are So Hard Working, Per Astrology

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Tarot card: Six of Swords There’s always going to be adversity, but you don’t have to focus on what’s negative. You can start to move closer to peace, calmness, and serenity. Your life is what you decide it will be. And, even if right now you fall short of your dreams, things can change by the power of your choices. RELATED: Why Are Libras So Attractive?

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Tarot card: Queen of Wands You are fertile with hope right now, and if you wanted life to look up, it’s within you to get to that place where fruitfulness arrives. You are the nurturer of your life. You can give birth to new ideas, fresh experiences and so much love. RELATED: Why Are Scorpios So Aggressive?

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Tarot card: King of Pentacles Scale back a bit. You need to take a more conservative approach to the things you’re participating in. You want to be all things to all people, and it’s not really possible. You need to pace yourself by giving a bit of your time to a noble cause and then keep a little bit of time for yourself to breathe and relax after a long, productive day. RELATED: 6 Reasons A Sagittarius Will Break Up With You, According To Astrology

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Tarot card: The Star You have been given a gift, and that’s wisdom, Capricorn. The reason that the universe entrusts you with so much is that it wants you to share what you know. So, give your wisdom generously to others. Those who want to receive it will, and the others who hear and seem to ignore it will carry the sound of your voice in their heart along the way. RELATED: Why Is Capricorn So Attractive?

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Tarot card: The Moon Sometimes situations, people, and things are not what you hope that they will be. You may not fully understand why a person would search for ways to bring you harm by lying, but they may do it for reasons you can never understand. It’s best to not allow their poor choices to affect you by making you jaded. RELATED: What Makes Aquarius Zodiac Signs So Weird

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Tarot card: Three of Cups There is creative energy in the air, and you can be a part of it by doing things that you know bring your feminine and artistic side out in full expression. Invite friends to appreciate all that you can create. Be open to new experiences that give you a strong sense of fulfillment and joy. RELATED: 9 Ways A Pisces Will Be The Most Confusing Person You’ll Ever Meet Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango’s Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

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