Daily horoscope for February 6, 2022:


(March 21 - April 19) The Moon enters Taurus, your sector of money and personal property, and real estate may be on your mind.  So Aries, if you’re in the market for a new home or have some things you need to do to prepare financially for a move, now is the time to prepare and get your paperwork in order.  RELATED: A psychic advisor can help you step into your greatness and find true happiness.


(April 20 - May 20) The Moon will be in your sign for the next few days, and this is a good time to focus on yourself — the things you want to do to make your life better.  If you have a course you need to take, or something related to your job that is a requirement for certification, set your mind to get it done.  Perhaps an online course will be an option you didn’t have before since the Moon will transit over Uranus in the next few days. RELATED: Live Tarot reading - 10 mins for $1.99


(May 21 - June 20) Someone you had a hunch was shady and not in your corner may reveal their true colors today.  Your enemy sector gets activated when the Moon moves into Taurus later in the evening, and this brings emotional insight and psychic awareness your way. Pay attention to your inner voice and how you feel.  Your gut instincts can be sharper than usual, and a cosmic download of information could come to you even while in a conversation with someone.  RELATED: Get an astrology reading and discover your personal power!


(June 21 - July 22) The Moon enters Taurus, your sector of friendships, and it’s a good time to count your blessings. Some friendships you have are worth their weight in gold.  You might even want to pick up a greeting card or send a sweet, sentimental text to let this person know how much it means to have them in. your life.  RELATED: Embrace yourself and transform your life around you with a psychic love reading


(July 23 - August 22) Career and social status are what to focus on once the Moon enters Taurus later today, and this is a time to plant seeds you’d like to see grow into something prosperous. Want a new job or maybe you’re ready to build your own business.  Grab a notebook or get an excel sheet ready to start jotting down opportunities and start the process of exploring what your options are. You will want to take lots of notes and have things organized to reference later.  RELATED: Find out what’s in store for your heart with a psychic love reading!


(August 23 - September 22) The Moon enters Taurus, your sector of higher learning, but it’s also your place of beliefs and personal philosophy.  You have your way of doing things, but the next few days can be super helpful if you need to stick to a dream or a vision you have for your life.  If you have struggled with focus, the Moon in Taurus may be just what you need to find the tenacity to start and finish your project. RELATED: A tarot reading can help you discover the keys to self-discovery.


(September 23 - October 22) Your shared resource sector can have you stubborn, yet busy when the Moon transits Taurus over the next few days.  You may be asked to provide some financial assistance to someone who you truly care about, and this may push you to an extreme.  Try to be thoughtful and helpful at the same time without causing any harm to your own budget in the process. Do what you think is best, but also take care of your own needs, too. RELATED: Confused about your relationship? Get an Accurate Prediction today.


(October 23 - November 21) The Moon enters Taurus, your sector of commitments and partnerships, but there can be some instability in these areas of your life.  As a fixed sign, you want and need to feel as though your life is in order and not full of unwanted or unexpected surprises.  So, during these disruptive moments, try to remain calm. And be sensible, without overreacting even during times of anger. RELATED: Reconnect with your authentic self with a psychic reading and watch your confidence grow!


(November 22 - December 21) The Moon in Taurus brings attention to the tasks you need to stick to until they are done, even if you feel like procrastinating.  Try to focus on what’s beautiful about having completed an amazing project and the impact you make on the lives of others once it’s finalized. You will feel so good about not giving up! RELATED: Speak with a psychic today to cultivate the best relationship with your soul and spirit.


(December 22 - January 19) There are so many beautiful things to do and to see, Capricorn, so don’t spend all your time indoors, even when there’s a drop in the temperature.  Once the Moon is in your pleasure sector, it’s time to indulge. Taurus is a sign noted for its love of food, fabrics, and beauty in nature, so plan to get out and explore for the next few days.  RELATED: A psychic reading can help you fall in love with yourself. Get a free psychic love reading today!


(January 20 - February 18) Family can be everything to some, but there are times when you’ll feel closer to friends than your relatives.  The Moon enters Taurus, your sector of home and the family, where Uranus has been for the last two years, and things remain tough to manage at times, but your feelings about it will come to a peak. These challenges can make you feel raw but they also help you to see you have so much support and love from other people, too. RELATED: Love might be calling your name. Get a free prediction today!


(February 19 - March 20) The Moon enters Taurus, your sector of communication, and this is a great time to get writing, clear out old emails, and update your signature and bios on social media.  This is a great time to see what’s out there in the area of your work or if you’re thinking of becoming a career-changer, to do some research and find out whether or not that’s something you really want to do. RELATED: Is your relationship worth fighting for? Find out with a Live Tarot Reading YourTango may earn an affiliate commission if you buy something through links featured in this article.