Those images representing various astrological aspects that you see when looking at your horoscope or natal chart have more to them than you may realize. For example, each of the planets and zodiac signs has an accompanying glyph, “a term in typography [which] is an elemental symbol within an agreed set of symbols, intended to represent a readable character for the purposes of writing. Glyphs are considered to be unique marks that collectively add up to the spelling of a word or contribute to a specific meaning of what is written, with that meaning dependent on cultural and social usage.” RELATED: What The Planets Your Horoscope Always Mentions Actually Mean Each of the zodiac symbols represented in the glyphs below carries specific meanings and associations that can help you more fully understand what you’re reading when you venture into astrology. If you want to dive into the stars on a deeper level learning more about what astrology symbols mean is a great place to begin. Here’s what the zodiac symbols in astrology mean, including glyphs representing the Sun, the Moon, each of the zodiac signs and planets, and more.

Astrology Symbols for the Sun, Moon, and Planets

The Sun Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia The Sun rules the Leo zodiac sign and is associated with the 5th House in astrology. The glyph for the Sun symbol appears as a circle with a dot in the center, representing the Sun as the center of our universe. In astrology, the Sun also represents ego, motivation, interests, likes/dislikes, and vitality, as well as how you express and identify yourself to the public. Therefore, your Sun sign determines the personality traits you present to the world. RELATED: Sun Sign Meaning: What The Sun Means For Your Zodiac Sign

The Moon Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia The Moon rules the Cancer zodiac sign and is associated with the 4th House in astrology. The glyph of the Moon symbol is easy to recognize since its symbol is shaped like a crescent Moon. In astrology, the Moon symbolizes emotions. It represents your intuition, instincts, your conscious mind, and what puts you in a comfortable mental state. It is believed that the Moon helps to encourage feelings and aid their rising to the surface when in a particular zodiac sign’s house during a Moon phase. The Moon affects the way you express yourself, so your willingness to allow others in may coincide with the Moon’s size, shape, proximity to the Earth, and brightness during a particular lunar phase. As your Moon sign governs emotions that you prefer to keep hidden, such as anger, jealousy, and fear, as well as your more sensual side, it determines the personality traits that make you who you really are deep inside. RELATED: What Your Moon Sign Means And How To Find It, According To Astrology

Mercury Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Mercury rules the Gemini zodiac sign and is associated with the 3rd House in astrology. The glyph for the Mercury symbol represents the winged helmet and caduceus belonging to Mercury, the messenger of the Roman gods. The pointed horns on the top of the circle represent the extension of your mind and its thoughts, appearing almost as antennae and signaling the way you communicate and receive messages in the world. Mercury symbolizes how you solve problems, how you comprehend as well as your curiosities in life. If you were born when Mercury was in retrograde, you are intuitive and introspective. You take “think before you speak” to the heart. If you were born when Mercury was direct, then you’re communicative and constantly thinking. RELATED: Your Strongest Zodiac Love Compatibility, Based On Your Mercury Sign

Venus Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Venus rules two zodiac signs — Taurus and Libra — and is associated with both the 2nd and 7th House in astrology. The glyph used for the Venus symbol looks like a circle on top of a cross shape symbol, meant to represent a hand-held mirror or necklace belonging to Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. This is a feminine symbol and represents the planet that governs your love life, including who you attract, how you attract them, your social skills, your affection, how you define beauty, and what you look for in others. Venus is a planet of good fortune. It is always found in the either same sign as your Sun or in one of the two signs directly before or after. If you were born when Venus was in Retrograde, then you’re most comfortable around those you’re closest to. If you were born when Venus was direct, then you have a very active social life, and finding love is important to you. RELATED: How To Find Your Venus Sign — And What It Says About You

Earth Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia The Earth rules the Sagittarius zodiac sign and is associated with the 2nd, 6th, and 7th Houses in astrology. The glyph for the Earth symbol looks like a cross inside of a circle, representing physical matter and existence as “contained within the infinity of the energy of the entire Universe.” Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Earth governs all things physical, influencing the way we interact with our environment on a daily basis. RELATED: How The Earth’s Wobble Effects Astrology, Horoscopes, & Your Zodiac Sign Personality Traits

Mars Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Mars rules the Aries zodiac sign and is associated with the 1st House in astrology. The glyph for the Mars symbol is a circle with an arrow pointing to the side, meant to represent the Roman god of war’s shield and spear. Mars can be a troublemaking planet or an energizing force. Mars governs your motivation, your initiative, your drive, what you want to achieve, and where you direct your energy based on all of these things. Mars is also about how much of a risk taker you are. In astrology, this planet is what makes you stay the course each and every day. It’s how you express both anger and sensuality in relationships. If you were born when Mars was in retrograde, you try to bottle up your energy and most likely avoid confrontation. RELATED: How Your Mars Sign Affects Your Love Life, According To Astrology

Jupiter Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Jupiter is the ruler of both the Sagittarius and Pisces zodiac signs and is associated with the 9th and the 12th Houses in astrology. The glyph for the Jupiter symbol looks like a funky number four and represents the thunderbolt belonging to Jupiter, the Roman god of the sky and thunder. Jupiter governs your ethics, your philosophies about life, when you’re cautious vs. when you take chances, and how you can benefit from any knowledge you’ve attained. In astrology, Jupiter shows where you receive financial benefits and how generous of a person you are. Jupiter is about the search for truth. Therefore it is associated with law, religion, philosophy, and education. If Jupiter was in retrograde when you were born, you tend to be philosophical but keep your beliefs to yourself. If Jupiter was direct when you were born, you have strong points of view and principles. RELATED: What Your Jupiter Sign Means & How To Find It In Your Natal Chart

Saturn Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Saturn is the ruler of the Capricorn zodiac sign and is associated with the 10th House in astrology The glyph for the Saturn symbol looks like an upside-down S or a hook attached to a letter T and represents the sickle belonging to Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture. Saturn is the planet that describes your karmic energy, ambition, life lessons, and your feeling of inadequacy. Saturn is about restrictions, limitations, boundaries, safety, and practicality. It’s about hard work and getting what you deserve. You can consider Saturn as the planet that oversees your career, business and wealth. It shows what you want to be known for and what you want to achieve. If Saturn was in retrograde when you were born, you are responsible for your own success and failures. If Saturn was direct when you were born, you are more goal-oriented, disciplined, and determined to succeed. RELATED: What Does Your Saturn Sign Mean In Astrology?

Uranus Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Uranus rules the Aquarius zodiac sign and is associated with the 11th House in astrology. The glyph for the Uranus symbol looks like a wonky H with a stem in the center secured by a circle at the bottom and is derived from the last name of the man who discovered the planet, Frederick William Herschel. Uranus is considered to be unpredictable energy, governing where you seek freedom, where you stand out, where you’re unconventional, what makes you rebel, where you do the unexpected, and where you’ll find change. Uranus is also connected to events that happen in an instant, like accidents or love at first sight. Finally, Uranus affects intuition, such as when you have those “aha” moments. RELATED: Uranus In Astrology: Ruling Planet + Uranus In The Signs

Neptune Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Neptune rules the Pisces zodiac sign and is associated with the 12th House in astrology. The glyph for the Neptune symbol appears as a pitchfork with triangles at the top, representing waves, the rise of creativity, and the trident belonging to Neptune, the Roman god of water and the sea. Neptune governs what inspires you and where you’re easily deceived. It’s all about illusion, confusion, imagination, and creativity — areas in which you see what you thought was real isn’t and what you thought wasn’t real is. Neptune is also associated with addictions. If Neptune was in retrograde when you were born, you may have a tendency to escape reality. If Neptune was direct when you were born, you may be quite artistic, but not particularly realistic. RELATED: How To Find Your Neptune Sign And What It Means In Astrology

Pluto Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Pluto rules the Scorpio zodiac sign and is associated with the 8th House in astrology. The glyph of the Pluto symbol looks like a P attached to an L, representing the bident belonging to Pluto, the Roman god of the underworld. This dwarf planet represents where you feel powerful vs. powerless, as well as where you experience great change. The energy of Pluto is connected to the big events in your life and getting rid of the old to make way for the new. If Pluto was in retrograde when you were born, your beliefs may change over time. If Pluto was direct when you were born, you have a great deal of power you can use either positively or negatively in life. RELATED: What Your Pluto Sign Means — And How To Find Yours

Chiron Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Chiron does not rule any zodiac sign in astrology. However, this dwarf planet is still important. Chiron is known as the wounded healer, representing our deepest wounds and our efforts to heal them. The glyph of the Chiron symbols represents the Centaur, with the circle at the bottom being the horse’s body and the K at the top being the human torso and head. In our natal charts, Chiron points to where we have healing powers as the result of our deepest spiritual wounds. We may over-compensate in these areas of life. As the wounded healer, Chiron first must face issues of low self-worth and feelings of inadequacy and learn to rise above these issues. RELATED: What Planet Is The Wounded Healer & How Does Chiron Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Astrology Symbols for Each of the Zodiac Signs

Aries Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Dates: March 21 - April 19 Ruling planet: Mars Element: Fire Modality: Cardinal Symbol: The Ram The glyph of the Aries symbol represents the head and horn of the Ram, as well a woman’s ovaries and reproductive organs — the origins of all life. RELATED: 10 Best & Worst Personality Traits & Characteristics Of The Aries Zodiac Sign

Taurus Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Dates: April 20 - May 20 Ruling planet: Venus Element: Earth Modality: Fixed Symbol: The Bull The glyph of the Taurus symbol represents the head and horns of the Bull. RELATED: The Best And Worst Taurus Personality Traits

Gemini Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Dates: May 21-June 20 Ruling planet: Mercury Element: Air Modality: Mutable Symbol: The Twins The glyph of the Gemini symbol represents the Twins as companions. RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Gemini Zodiac Sign

Cancer Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Dates: June 21-July 22 Ruling planet: The Moon Element: Water Modality: Cardinal Symbol: The Crab The glyph of the Cancer symbol represents the claws of the Crab, as well as the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds. RELATED: The Best And Worst Cancer Personality Traits

Leo Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Dates: July 23-August 22 Ruling planet: The Sun Element: Fire Modality: Fixed Symbol: The Lion The glyph of the Leo symbol represents the Lion’s head and mane. RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Leo Zodiac Sign

Virgo Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Dates: August 23-September 22 Ruling planet: Mercury Element: Earth Modality: Mutable Symbol: The Virgin The glyph of the Virgo symbol is derived from the Greek letters ΠΑΡ (Pi-Alpha-Pho) — the first three letters of the Greek word parthenos, which means “virgin.” RELATED: 20 Best & Worst Virgo Personality Traits

Libra Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Dates: September 23-October 22 Ruling planet: Venus Element: Air Modality: Cardinal Symbol: The Scales The glyph of the Libra symbol represents the perfectly balanced Scales. RELATED: The 10 Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Libra Zodiac Sign

Scorpio Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Dates: October 23-November 21 Ruling planets: Mars and Pluto Element: Water Modality: Fixed Symbol: The Scorpion The glyph of the Scorpio symbol represents the Scorpion’s stinger. RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Dates: November 22-December 21 Ruling planet: Jupiter Element: Fire Modality: Mutable Symbol: The Archer The glyph of the Sagittarius symbol represents the arrow of the centaur, aiming toward high realms. RELATED: 20 Best & Worst Traits Of The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Capricorn Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Dates: December 22-January 19 Ruling planet: Saturn Element: Earth Modality: Cardinal Symbol: The Sea Goat or Mountain The glyph of the Capricorn symbol represents either the body of a goat with the head of a fish or horns and tail of the Mountain or Sea-Goat. RELATED: The Best & Worst Personality Traits Of The Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Aquarius Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Dates: January 20-February 18 Ruling planet: Uranus Element: Air Modality: Fixed Symbol: The Water-Bearer The glyph of the Aquarius symbol represents ripples of water and destruction. RELATED: The 10 Best And Worst Personality Traits Of Aquarius + Their Perfect Love Match

Pisces Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia Dates: February 19-March 20 Ruling planet: Neptune Element: Water Modality: Mutable Symbol: The Fish The glyph of the Pisces symbol represents two fish tied together, swimming in opposite directions. RELATED: The Best & Worst Pisces Personality Traits

Astrology Symbols for Points and Nodes

Ascendant Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia The Ascendant sign, also known as the rising sign, is noted on the birth chart with a large letter A followed by smaller letters sc. The Ascendant sign is determined by your time of birth. On your chart, it refers to the sign that was rising at the exact moment you were born. It’s the lens through which you perceive reality and sets the tone for how you’ll progress through life.

Midheaven Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia The Midheaven sign is depicted as a large M followed by a smaller c. The Midheaven sign, also known as the MC (short for Medium Coeli) refers to the zodiac sign that was directly overhead of your birthplace at the exact time you were born. Your Midheaven sign is your public persona and plays an important role in shaping how people see you in both your career and your personal life. 

North Node Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia The North Node symbol is an arch with two circles on the bottom and resembles a septum ring.  The North Node refers to the point where the moon’s path intersected the sun’s at your time of birth. The North Node placement in your birth chart points to the qualities you need to work on throughout your life in order to feel fulfilled.

South Node Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia The South Node symbol is similar to that of the North Node, but upside-down. It resembles a horseshoe. Directly opposite the North Node, the South Node refers to the opposite point where the moon’s path intersected the sun’s at your time of birth. The South Node placement in your natal chart refers to the unique gifts you bring to this lifetime, including lessons from past lives that help designate where and how you feel most comfortable.

Lilith Symbol

Photo: Wikipedia The Lilith symbol is a moon with the crescent facing to the right with an upside-down cross underneath it.  Lilith, also known as Black Moon Lilith, is the point on your birth chart where the moon’s orbit is farthest from the earth. Lilith’s placement in your birth chart reveals your shadow self, or the part of you that you largely repress. RELATED: What It Means If You Have A Stellium In Your Natal Chart, According To Astrology Eric Webb is a writer living in New Jersey. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from Penn State, and he’s passionate about sports and encouraging people to be themselves.

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