Who’s Alexa?! Only the greatest invention known to our modern-day world! Technology has massively changed our way of life for the better. And Alexa doesn’t always have to be used for practical everyday activities. If you’re as bored as I’ve been, you can start asking some funny Alexa questions and she’ll give you even more amusing answers!

Here are 65 funny things to ask Alexa when you’re in the house bored.

Funny Things to Ask Alexa

1. Alexa, do you want to go on a date?

2. Alexa, are you real?

3. Alexa, are we living in a simulation?

4. Alexa, I like big butts.

5. Alexa, who’s better, you or Siri?

6. Alexa, surely you can’t be serious?

7. Alexa, give me a kiss.

8. Alexa, can you talk like Yoda?

9. Alexa, Help! I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up.

10. Alexa, that’s no moon.

11. Alexa, I want the truth!

12. Alexa, what do you think about Google?

13. Alexa what’s the point of life?

14. Alexa, do you know Hal?

15. Alexa, can you tell my kids to go to bed?

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Funny Trivia Questions to Ask Alexa

16. Alexa, is Batman real?

17. Alexa, how many stars are in the universe?

18. Alexa, how high can you count?

19. Alexa, how much do you weigh?

20. Alexa, where is Chuck Norris?

21. Alexa, who’s on first?

22. Alexa, where do you live?

23. Alexa, how much does the Earth weigh?

24. Alexa, how do you know so much about swallows?

25. Alexa, are UFOs real?

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Funny Jokes to Ask Alexa

26. Alexa, is your refrigerator running?

27. Alexa, why is six afraid of seven?

28. Alexa, why did the chicken cross the road?

29. Alexa, my name is Inigo Montoya.

30. Alexa, I am your father.

31. Alexa, do you know the muffin man?

32. Alexa, can you tell me a Star Wars joke?

33. Alexa, winter is coming.

34. Alexa, “I’ll be back!”

35. Alexa, why is a raven like a writing desk?

36. Alexa, do you feel lucky punk?

37. Alexa, execute order 66.

38. Alexa, what happens when you step on a Lego?

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Funny Things to Ask Samuel L Jackson on Alexa

If you download the Samuel L Jackson Alexa Skill on your echo, you then say, “Alexa, enable Hey Samuel” or “Alexa, introduce me to Samuel L Jackson,” and have a blast talking to the movie star (or at least, to an AI-ish version of his voice). Try these questions out when you do.

39. Hey Samuel, when will my misery end?

40. Hey Samuel, can you eat a jar of mayonnaise?

41. Hey Samuel, am I real?

42. Hey Samuel, can you give me some money?

43. Hey Samuel, testing 1, 2, 3.

44. Hey Samuel, are we in the Matrix?

45. Hey Samuel, make me a sandwich.

46. Hey Samuel, will you marry me?

47. ,Hey Samuel, what’s your favorite part in ‘Pulp Fiction’?

14. Hey Samuel, when is the world going to end?

49. Hey Samuel, I’m sick.

50. Hey Samuel, will I live long and prosper?

51. Hey Samuel, what’s your favorite Star Wars movie?

52. Hey Samuel, who’s the boss?

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Funny Things for Kids to Ask Alexa

53. Alexa, do you have any pets?

54. Alexa, do you believe in ghosts?

55. Alexa, are you blue?

56. Alexa, how old are you?

57. Alexa, what do you want to be when you grow up?

58. Alexa, do you like pizza?

59. Alexa, what’s your favorite color?

60. Alexa, what is your quest?

61. Alexa, what did the fox say?

62. Alexa, are you happy?

63. Alexa, were you sleeping?

64. Alexa, do a barrel roll!

65. Alexa, will you be my friend?

RELATED: 10 Things To Do When You’re Bored (And You Hate Reading) Destiny Duprey is a writer who covers self-care, love and relationships, and astrology.