Nowadays, dating is tough, even with a surplus of first date tips and advice on the internet. With endless opportunities to swipe right on, the days of valuing relationships seem to be slipping into the twilight zone. And figuring out how to get a guy to like you after a first date can be seriously difficult. RELATED: If You Don’t Do These 6 Things On A First Date, Don’t Expect Another Men are appearing to be more noncommittal, which makes it challenging to grow a connection when there’s a lack of consistency from them. It seems like men think they have all the time in the world, whereas women who want to have a family are stuck waiting for a guy to step up and take the lead.

5 Things The Most Attractive Women Do On First Dates (Especially If They Want A Second)

1. Give him a compliment

A man loves to receive compliments from a woman. Naturally, men operate from their thinking cap so being able to tap into how he thinks will be key to getting their attention. It gives him a little confidence boost to make him want to pursue you. And, when it comes to giving compliments, the type of compliment matters. First, you’ll want to capture a personal detail about him. It may be his style of dress, something he says that inspires you, or perhaps his gentleman-like manners. Regardless of what suits you, you’ll need to compliment him on something he has personally crafted himself. This shows you are taking interest in him and who he is as a man. If you compliment him on his baby blue eyes, this will go in one ear and out the other. He’s already heard this a thousand times so it won’t have much of an impact. Plus, he was born with his stunning eyes, so he’s less likely to value that compliment versus something he’s truly worked for, like his excellent style.

2. Be friendly to others

Being kind to others around you while on a date with him shows you have good morals and values. This signifies your ladylike etiquette making a man find you to be more appealing and worth pursuing. When you are respectful of others, this instantly lets him know you are self-aware and maintain self-respect. The more you respect yourself, the more likely you will be to gain his respect. A man needs respect before he can fall in love with you. At the end of the day, a high-value man desires a woman who he can spend quality time with at home or invite to formal business gatherings. And, if a man can’t take you to a work dinner, he will definitely not consider asking you on another date. So when you’re on the date, say “please” and “thank you” to the bartender or waiter. This will let him know you are appreciative of others’ hospitality, including his.

3. Show your authenticity

Being real is refreshing in a social media world filtered to perfection. He wants to get to know who you truly are and what you are passionate about. If your personality isn’t coming out on dates he will struggle to see the value of extending a second invitation. Your inability to show authenticity will hinder the growth of forming a genuine connection with him. With every woman being unique in her own way, your quirks are what make him like you even more than the next. Being comfortable in your own skin will make you stand out amongst the masses and have him select you. When you choose you, he will too! And, while everyone you meet isn’t always a match, if the real you can’t be seen it will be difficult for him to get to know you. Your true self is what makes you magnetically attract a man. RELATED: 21 Best First Date Questions That Ensure There’s Never An Awkward Silence

4. Skip the nightcap

The two of you are on a date and having an amazing time. It’s beyond chemically intoxicating, so you want to extend the date for an after-dinner cocktail. But, going for a nightcap will extend the date longer than the two to three-hour maximum we recommend. By skipping the nightcap, it avoids overconsuming too many cocktails and getting a little tipsy. Because when the liquid courage is flowing it may cause you to overshare which is a complete turnoff to a man. This results in you losing the whole mysterious factor which is the driving force to winning a second date. Passing up late-night cocktails shows him you’re a respectable woman and value your time. You’re more likely to keep a man thinking on his toes than if you were to be overly available for the whole evening. This leaves a man wondering more about you, so he instinctively asks you out again without thinking twice. Our dating motto: “Leave a little mystery, or you might be history.”

5. Say “yes” to adventures

So maybe the first date isn’t basic lattes at your favorite cafe or cocktails at the neighborhood bar, but an eventful Saturday afternoon of rocking climbing, hiking or visiting the latest art gallery. Whatever the adventure is, saying “yes” is sure to spark his interest. A man is more drawn to a woman who is up for an adventure and wants to have a good time. The whole point of a first date is to have fun and be flirty. If you are too concerned with what he’s thinking about you or the way you look, then you may lose out on building a lifetime connection. Going on an adventure is a great way to really get to know someone. A man will want to see how open-minded you are and what kind of attitude you bring to the table. A man gets excited to ask a woman out who exudes positivity and vibes on the fly. And you never know when he might start falling in love with you during one of these adventures. So whether this is your first date or your hundredth first date, living in the moment while using your feminine energy will entice him to ask you out again. A man will gravitate toward a woman who is sure of themselves, makes him feel great, and are open to fun adventures. Be the woman who stops him in his tracks and captivates his heart. RELATED: 21 Things The Most Attractive Women Do On The First Date (According To Men) Jan and Jillian Yuhas, The Love Twins, are Love & Lifestyle Coaches who help single, successful women attract the love they deserve.