If you’re the kind of woman who is constantly dissatisfied and entangled in many failed and difficult relationships, perhaps you might want to examine how your feminine side is perceived by potential romantic partners.  After all, feminine energy is the polar opposite of masculine energy. For a romantic relationship between a man and a woman to flourish, there must be an infusion of both feminine and masculine energy to it.   RELATED: 7 Secrets Of Attraction More Powerful Than A Magic Love Potion With regards to dealing with many men, especially in dating, using parts of your feminine energy can be key.  RELATED: 4 Tricks Attractive Women Use To Make Men Think About Them Non-Stop Chances are, the more feminine you allow yourself to be in relationship the more he would want to be committed to you and, maybe, committed for life. A chivalrous man just can’t resist strong feminine energy. Please understand that no discussion of femininity as it relates to masculinity can possibly encompass every person’s experience. The very concepts of “feminine” and “masculine” might be considered controversial, but can be used in many different ways depending on what is natural to you and your potential partner. It is about allowing yourself to feel and show the side of you that knows your worth and trusts everything is unfolding as it should.  RELATED: How To Make A Man Feel Deeply Attached To You

The five 5 feminine traits of magnetic women that attract ‘good’ men: 

1. They are laid back

A woman in touch with her feminine self is just comfortable with her potential partner doing the pursuing in the relationship or courtship stage. She lets him initiate a text message, phone call, or plan a date. She never chases men who are not interested and does not act desperate to keep a man around. She just enjoys the unfolding of the relationship and attracts instead of chasing. RELATED: How To Get A Man To Chase You (No Games Required)

2. Magnetic women live ‘in the moment’

A feminine woman revels in the present moment. She is not worried about what the future holds in the relationship because worrying means she wants to gain control of the outcome. And “controlling” is a very masculine trait. This is not the same as being aloof or acting arrogantly.  Rather, because living in the moment requires a great deal of self-confidence, it is about knowing yourself and loving who you are first — and trusting that others will see and appreciate who you really are.  RELATED: 12 Ways To Make Him Think About You — All The Time

3. They prioritize themselves 

She nurtures herself without apology and she understands that her own wellbeing comes first. She doesn’t put any man on a pedestal because she understands that she is a goddess who deserves his love and devotion. She is not over-invested in a romantic partner and is aware that allowing someone to gain that kind of power over her emotions can be detrimental to her self-esteem. Instead of wallowing in pain or feeling frustrated toward a man who can’t commit, she would rather date and let men woo her until someone claims her as his lady both in words and action.  She enjoys male attention and lots of it, but she doesn’t attach her sense of self-worth to that attention. RELATED: 11 Little Things Men Secretly Adore About The Woman They Love

4. Magnetic women are ‘cool’ to the core

Please take note it’s “cool” — not cold. The latter denotes apathy and this is not what I mean in any sense. A cool woman is a relaxed woman who has less inner turmoil or relationship anxiety. She neither nags often nor commits emotional blackmail. Her demeanor reflects her sense of inner calm and her deep awareness of her self-worth.  RELATED: How To Be The ‘Cool Girl’ That Guys Simply Can’t Resist

5. They have refined the art of receiving

Someone with a strong sense of their own femininity is excellent at receiving love from others. If you want to hone your feminine allure, then you can learn the art of receiving. This will trigger a potential partner’s instinct to provide and thus will make them feel needed.   Conversely, it is quite emasculating if you are overly forward or too eager to give. Work out those receiving muscles and you will start to see how the universe, and any romantic interest, reaches out to give to you in droves.  RELATED: The One Personality Trait You Need To Be Irresistibly Attractive — And How To Get It Gem Villamin is a love and life coach and feminine energy healer. She specializes in teaching women how to deal with noncommittal men and healing broken relationships.