Breakups aren’t ever smooth and well organized, but some of them are downright precipitous and occur due to overinflated ego and the desire to act harshly on impulse. Venus sextile Neptune stirs up our emotional state and may have us remembering the past. As we all know, we like to rewrite the past for drama’s sake; meaning, we tend to reflect on the people of our past with heightened, if not fictional, passion. “They destroyed me!” “They were the love of my life!” “Our chemistry was deadly, we ate each other alive — I miss them!” Venus sextile Neptune is a positive transit, however, and will put us in touch with the good memories of a love gone past. This is the time where we rethink this person’s importance in our lives, and where we come to understand that whatever it is that they have — it’s what we want. Still. RELATED: The Luckiest Day Of The Year For Each Zodiac Sign In 2022

The 3 zodiac signs whose ex comes back during Venus sextile Neptune starting February 25 - 27, 2022

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20) There may be a very good reason why you decide that it might be a good move on your part to reach out to your ex, and that is because nobody else ever came through for you as that person did. It may be all about nostalgia, but your feelings about this ex are, “Nothing compares to you.” This person was your true soulmate, and whatever broke you apart was probably ridiculous and remediable. Yes, you fought, but you’ve grown since then, and if they’re up to it (which there is a very good chance they will be) then it might be a good idea to give another go. If neither of you has partnered up since the breakup, Venus sextile Neptune gives you the green light to move forward. RELATED: How To Get Your Ex Back After Breaking Up (Without Looking Desperate)

2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) You’ll want to go back with an ex of yours, and this has been one of your ongoing secrets, for quite some time. Your friends know that you pine away for this person, though you’ve tried to lessen this impression, the truth is, you aren’t kidding anyone. There is no secret here: you want your ex back and until that happens, nobody else can take their place. What this person had was insight — they knew you as no one else ever could, and while that might have been what lead to your breakup, it’s also what you crave in your life: that person who ‘gets’ you. So far, no one else has ever gotten you as this person did, and as your account for your life, you realize that it would be a good move to bring them back into the fold. RELATED: How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You Using Psychology

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 10) You are at the point where you take responsibility for your life and your actions. You know of all your mistakes, especially the disastrous ones that broke up your one true love affair. Now, that was an ex worth loving, and you’ll never understand why the two of you split apart. Perhaps you just gained enough experience to call it a day, and felt it was best to move forward, to experience new people? Perhaps, or perhaps not. You and this ex will always love each other, and until one of you makes the move to get back together, it won’t take place. Use the energy that comes along with Venus sextile Neptune to get the nerve to ask this person if they might be interested in ’trying’ to rekindle this love affair. Don’t be surprised if they smile a little too broadly at your request. RELATED: The Powerful Psychological Trick To To Make Someone Think About You Nonstop Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.