Which zodiac signs will have a great day on November 20, 2021?

Today we’re also going to be called to reflect on the themes of Scorpio Season as it transitions to Sagittarius over the next twenty-four hours. These two aspects together welcome us in a time of reflection, for harmonizing what we thought would happen with what actually did so that we can find a greater sense of peace for ourselves. This is the real secret of having a great day on November 20, 2021. We may have some days where we have more opportunities than others but it all comes back to how we feel internally about ourselves. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Life Improves Starting November 20, 2021 With the shift from Taurus to Gemini and the closing out of Scorpio energy we will be feeling more open and ready to take on new challenges and to see the truth of a situation where we were previously too intimidated to. While there is one challenging aspect with Mercury and Jupiter, as long as we remember to speak our truth without the need to prove or convince anyone of anything then we should also be able to use it for our benefit. The big story today though isn’t the Lunar Eclipse or even the transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius Season but the Cosmic Lovers, Venus and Mars. These two seldom meet in the sky but today begins an eleven-day sextile between these two celestial bodies. Part of this is because Venus is slowing for retrograde so they will be locked together in a dance of divine timing creating opportunities for us to feel energized, at peace and ready to take every opportunity that comes our way. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Fall Apart Starting November 20, 2021

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On November 20, 2021:

1. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19) Today’s energy should feel really inspiring and hopeful for you, something that at times you can struggle with. While we need to work through the logical and practical aspects of life, we also need to keep in mind that the universe is always on our side, no matter how routine or dark things may seem. Venus in your sign is helping you remember your worth. This unto itself is always a good thing, however it may make you more aware of those situations and people that don’t. With the sextile to Mars happening, it should bring up positive ways to resolve any situations or issues that do deal with an imbalance both in power plays in the workplace and even in the dynamic in romantic relationships. Aside from the boost of self-esteem that you should feel during this time which will have you more apt to make plans for things that feel good to you, there will definitely be a huge shift in your love life. As Venus and Mars come together in this way love and your relationships should feel easier, this even includes browsing your favorite app or dating. With Venus moving through Capricorn you’re not looking for just a fling, so today’s energy is really one where you will be feeling your worth and not tolerant of anything that doesn’t measure up to that, including love. RELATED: Who You’ll Marry (And Divorce), Based On Your Zodiac Signs’ Compatibility

2. Scorpio

(October 23 - November 21) With your solar return just about over, it’s been a journey. Likely starting off a little challenging as you were asked to face those parts of yourself that you’ve tried to ignore or pin on others but this year you weren’t able to do that. Instead, it’s been a time for you to be triggered by new events that were similar to things that have happened in the past. This allows you to be in space to realize just how much you’ve grown which then has us start making different decisions. You’ve had this building feeling for some time that something was coming, something was on the way. The old you thought that it was someone new or even something developing with a current person in your life, but now you can see what you felt was coming was your healing. You’ve stepped into a new chapter of your life which will continue to unfold as we move through the next two years with this new eclipse cycle on the Scorpio and Taurus Axis which promises to bring greater stability and passion into your life. Today you’ve probably just seen a glimpse of what’s to come. Whether through something happening or a conversation, you’ve been getting a sneak preview of this next phase of your journey which today will have you feeling nothing but confident and excited about what that is. RELATED: What You Secretly Fear Most, According To Your Zodiac Sign

3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20) Neptune is currently in your sign and beginning to slow before stationing direct in just a couple weeks which means that you are feeling more of this watery planet’s vibes than normal. Like everyone you’ve had a mixed bag of emotions this month, sometimes feeling great, others not sure what you were even feeling but if you’ve persisted, if you’ve challenged yourself to act differently than before then right about now you should feel like you’re reaching a new level of being you. But as confident and even secure as you’re feeling right now, there’s a softness that Neptune is washing over you, allowing you to feel like you’ve mastered that whole divine feminine vibe, something your sign is more known for than others. Today you will definitely be at peace with your past, but even more importantly, you’re not in a rush for your future. As dreamy as you are sometimes the biggest lesson is to be able to be in this moment now and be totally okay with it. But this has to do with you learning why you always wanted to be somewhere else other than where you were. Not that you need to congratulate yourself because you’re feeling pretty good about yourself right now, but just acknowledge that this vibe you have right now is more than healing and self-growth, it means you’ve actually learned how to make the most of where you are which always changes where we ultimately end up going. RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make Great Wives, Ranked From Best To Worst Kate Rose is an artist, writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.