We move through several transits that will encourage us to open up about our feelings and experiences, especially from the past.   One of the leading events of today’s astrology is Mars enters Cappy as part of his retrograde phase.   This is very different energy from Aqua as we are going to be brought back to difficult or even uncomfortable subject matters to reflect on and discuss.   Mercury Rx serves an important purpose in our lives and relationships as it gives us time to talk about things that have previously happened or that we’ve agreed to which may need some modifications.   While we’re told it’s a time of inconveniences and challenges, it actually helps us ultimately form a more stable foundation which is especially true when it’s transiting through Cap.   RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Want Love They Can’t Have During The Moon In Scorpio, January 24 - 26, 2022 We’re still under the Venus Uranus trine which means that changes, especially in our love lives and relationships, are likely, even if it’s just that internal feelings have changed.   The other main effect on us today is a series of transits that the Moon makes today.   The first is a trine to Jupiter, followed by an opposition to Uranus before ending the day in a sextile to Venus.   These transits all have one theme, to start sharing our feelings.   We may have been estranged recently from someone we care about whether it’s a family member, friend or even romantic interest but today’s astrology will want to make us reach out and reconnect with them to start having the necessary conversations to move past whatever has recently come up.   While it may be challenging to start approaching uncomfortable conversations about how we’re feeling, or even about things that have previously happened we can’t expect someone to know how we’re feeling until we open and talk about it.  

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day January 25, 2022 


(December 22 - January 19)  Today you will now have Venus, Mars and Mercury all in your first house providing you with the ability to feel like you’re finally on the same page with yourself when it comes to knowing what the next step is to take. But before you do the Moon sextile Venus later in the day will have you feeling confident in reaching out to have an emotional conversation you’ve been putting off. We all know that diving deep into the heart of your feelings isn’t something that you look forward to on any given day, but right now you’re being given a gift to get in touch with this part of yourself so you can open up. Because of the recent Cancer Full Moon that we had which stirred the waters for so many hitting your seventh house of relationships it’s likely that this conversation will be with a partner or someone that you’re having romantic feelings for. Don’t shy away from saying what past situations have really made you feel like or what you truly want from life. There is nothing from the past that is preventing you from moving forward, all you have to be willing to do is be determined to act differently as that will make all the difference.   RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs Who Dwell In The Past Too Much


(February 19 - March 20)  While we’re just a few weeks away from the start of your season and the New Moon in Aquarius which will activate new beginnings in your life, today Jupiter forms a positive trine to the Moon in fellow water sign Scorpio to help you find greater ease in sharing your feelings. Jupiter in your zodiac sign this year is something that will make all the difference in a multitude of areas. It makes everything bigger that it touches so it can’t help to enhance and grow your life in ways that you can’t imagine. While it may not seem like much that Jupiter and the Moon are going to help you share your feelings as your emotions are something that you’re always keenly aware of, as a Pisces there’s a difference between just sharing your feelings and sharing them with what you need. Being an advocate for yourself about what you need from those in your life is something you have to learn because you do tend to be so self-less. But balanced reciprocal relationships aren’t just about you are going above and beyond for others but creating the opportunity for them to do the same for you.   RELATED: How To Break Through Each Zodiac Sign’s Emotional Walls


(April 20 - May 20)  At first, today may seem like it’s more challenging than great. The Moon and Uranus opposition will highlight any issues in your home and family life, but the gift of being able to do something about it is what transforms this energy into a positive for your zodiac sign, Taurus. As Uranus moves through your zodiac sign, during his current cycle, it’s clear that anything that isn’t stable or grounded will be crumbling apart during this time. But that is a good thing. What isn’t meant to last should be allowed to leave our lives anyway, so this tension makes room for something better. This doesn’t always mean that it’s a person, job or even relationship that leaves your life. Sometimes transits like these are just ways of relating that have to evolve. Today’s transits may make you realize what it is you truly need from your life as your ninth house of spirituality and personal beliefs are lit up by all that Capricorn energy. But, it’s the Moon Uranus opposition that’s going to help you open up to those doors closest to you, so that you can actually do something about it. Instead of assuming that someone isn’t on the same page or that they don’t want what you want, have that conversation and talk about it. You may be surprised how close you both actually are.   RELATED: The Zodiac Signs Who Hide Their True Feelings — And How To Get Them To Open Up Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.