This is what leads three zodiac signs in astrology to have a great day on January 21, 2022. While there aren’t any major transits occurring today, we’re still energetically transitioning into the new cycle that began with our surplus of planetary activities a couple of days ago.   Right now, many of us still may be going through that dark night of the soul that the Full Moon opposite Pluto brought out in our lives.   This isn’t always an ideal time for socializing or even for feeling especially positive about the future, but it is necessary for the next step of our lives.   When we think of great days, we often just think of those that feel good because it all just seems to come so effortlessly, but great days are also rooted in those that are proving us with an opportunity.   RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Improve The Most During Aquarius Season Starting January 19, 2022 This can mean that we are given a chance to see the truth of our actions or of others.  It can have us making a deep dive into who we are and what we want from life, or it can even inspire us to take opportunities that we normally may be too fearful to.   This is what today is all about.   With the Sun in Aquarius, we are open-minded and looking for new ways of doing things which in combination with our Virgo Moon inspires us to actually tackle all those small details that we often get overwhelmed with.   Any change in life is possible, no matter how big or grand it may seem, but in order to actually get to that space where we’re living what we once dreamed of, we need to focus on the details.   These are the bits of life that don’t seem all that glamourous but that actually help connect the dots of our big dreams.   For many, we’re looking for when the light is going to return to our lives, and while we’re almost there, now is the time to start planning because anything is possible as long as you take the time to figure out how to create it.  

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day January 21, 2022 


(August 23 - September 22)  This will be a monumental year for you, especially in your relationship sector as Jupiter in Pisces is lighting that up the majority of the year. However, there’s still Venus Rx in Capricorn that’s been affecting your fifth to move through first. While we are about a week away from her turning direct, there are still some important opportunities that she’s bringing into your life. When you think about what joy means to you reflect on whether you think you need to earn it or whether it’s something that you inherently deserve. Venus Rx may have made you realize that being happy, whether it’s in terms of life, your career, or even your relationship, shouldn’t be something that you feel you have to put hours in to create. While any relationship requires effort and presence, we should never feel that we have to be miserable in order to earn happiness. This has to do with that idea of sacrifice through that you sometimes get too weighed down. Things should start to feel lighter soon but that will begin with your understanding that joy is always an option, we just have to realize that we no longer want to struggle. Once we release the struggle, then we also open the door for ease and to receive exactly what it is we deserve.   RELATED: The Happiest Zodiac Signs (And What Fills Them With Joy), Ranked From Most To Least


(February 19 - March 20)  When we see planetary action in the sign of Virgo it usually always translates to your emotions and relationships being affected. This is because Virgo rules your seventh house so while there are also factors that are affecting your eleventh and twelfth, right now also thanks to Jupiter in Pisces you’re going to see a lot of movement in your personal relationships. Now, this could also be friend circles coming up as well. During this time, it may seem like people you’ve known forever are no longer in alignment with you while those you’re either just met or reconnected with are now showing up for you in really positive ways. Remember that even friendships have to naturally flow and sometimes we won’t always have the same circle that we’ve had for years. We change and so that means our close relationships do as well. With Virgo though in your relationship sector today it may be time to review some details within your romantic connection. Whether this is about making plans or even having a conversation about something from the past, it’s important to deal with any small aspects of your connection now instead of trying to avoid doing just that.   RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Fears Most In A Relationship


(January 20 - February 18)  While it seems that this quiet astrological period is challenging for many, there is a deep opportunity for you for transformation here thanks to the Moon illuminating your eighth house in Virgo today. Look beyond what you normally focus on for any underlying feelings or details that you’ve been avoiding. This may spark some deeper conversations involving your need for intimacy in your relationship or even your feelings about what actually defines a relationship. With the Nodes just having changed signs, you are entering a period of growth in your fourth house that governs home and family. The Node changes are always positive and about helping us set up the life that we truly dream of, even if the process to get there can be challenging. Today look for opportunities for growth in these areas and how you can start taking advantage of them now. This means speaking on the details that may seem boring or being vulnerable to say what it is that you truly need and want from those in your life. Just because this is a period of longer change doesn’t mean that you need to wait until you fully start taking advantage of it. While we often find ourselves waiting for the light to return, what we forget is that we can also be the ones that bring it back.   RELATED: 5 Most Wildly Enthusiastic Zodiac Signs Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.