With Venus, Mercury and Uranus all retrograde it’s clear that we are being asked to face our past, including our previous actions or choices so that we can learn in such a way that we don’t need to keep repeating the lessons.   With the Moon already in Cancer opposite the Capricorn Sun, we are seeing the energies of the mother and father highlighted upping the already dramatic focus on our home lives that Full Moons tend to bring.   In addition to Venus having had us go over our values and foundations in the past few weeks, it means that it’s possible we are seeing things in a whole new light at home.   Well, more than possible, it’s guaranteed. The only question is what we are going to do about it.  RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Turns Cold During Mercury Conjunct Saturn Starting January 16, 2022 With retrogrades it’s usually thought to avoid big conversations, however, if they have to do with things from the past like events, actions, or even agreements then it’s actually more beneficial to do them during this time because it means we’re using the energy in the way that we’re meant to.   While today may bring us closer to home in more ways than one, we will be feeling more emotional and with Sun conjunct Pluto we may be prone to react a bit more irrationally.   Make sure to take time to enjoy the energy of Cancer, the new realizations of old issues, and try to stay away from having to be right.   If you can do that, then you just might end up where you were meant to all along, feeling like you’re finally home.  

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On January 16, 2022 


(June 21 - July 22)  This Moon is all about you dear Cancer as it streaks through your first house with the Sun, Venus, and Pluto in Cap all light up your seventh house of relationships. Family and home are everything to you. And so is having everything and everyone feel calm and harmonious. You don’t deal well with change, strife, or the chaos that life sometimes involves. But something has changed recently within you. Not that you’re going out seeking these aspects of life, but you’re less concerned with keeping peace and more focused on truth and realness. This changes everything for you Cancer and this lunation is the perfect example of just how deeply things have changed. The Moon in Cancer will be bringing you into all your feels while the conjunction between the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn will bring out any lingering relationship issues that have been simmering beneath the surface. Sunday’s energy will have you feeling more powerful and in control of your destiny. You’ll be more in the place to allow change and deal with the repercussions of that rather than just keeping the peace. Tomorrow is the fireworks, today is when you simply realize that there’s nothing worth compromising yourself over.   RELATED: These Stubborn Zodiac Signs Refuse To Compromise


(December 22 - January 19)  While the Sun, Pluto, and Venus are all in your first house really taking aim at changing your identity to match more of who you truly are, the Moon in Cancer is activating your seventh with the message that you can’t keep approaching new situations in old ways. There is a paradigm shift for many this year, a splitting of the before and after and of looking at things in a completely different way. For Capricorn, this is a lesson in that you’re not going to get what you want from life or from love until you truly approach it as the person you actually are. This means that there is still a deep dive underway of healing wounds, letting go of ego and forgiveness which will allow you to show up differently first for yourself and then for others. You may realize that relationship issues were your fault, or you may come to see that by trying to keep yourself safe from getting hurt you also were keeping away love. These are some of the new understandings that begin to seep through today, but it is great news because it means now you can start making different choices, which means that the life you’re dreaming of isn’t that far away.   RELATED: The Best Healing Rituals For Each Zodiac Sign


(July 23 - August 22)  The first Full Moon of the year is always in Cancer or in your sign, often setting the tone for the months ahead. For the past few weeks, you’ve been asked to reflect more deeply on the choices that you make in life and in your personal relationships. With Capricorn activating your sixth house, this isn’t just about hitting the gym and skipping take-out, but in learning how to make healthier choices for your life overall. Cancer sits in your twelfth house of the unseen or subconscious which means today may feel a bit like an emotional rollercoaster but in the best way possible. Sometimes you don’t always tell yourself the truth about how you feel or even how your actions have affected those around you. While those are typical fire sign traits, for you it becomes more about how you are seen by others rather than issues surrounding intimacy. What you may discover today is that when you get to the opinions or beliefs of others, you get to actually discover your truth. With Aquarius set to light up your seventh house of relationships soon, now is the time to get clear on how you really do feel so that you can start preparing to actually follow your heart instead of your logical mind.   RELATED: The Meaning Of The 12 Astrology Houses And A Guide On How To Find Your House Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.