After all, we’re practically hard-wired to fall in love, and so, if we turn on that program, it’s for a good reason: we fear the pain of heartbreak so much that we’d rather sit this one out. No love is better than love with pain. So, this one goes out to all zodiac signs who’ve been so turned off by what love became. So much so that they are ready to walk away from romance in any form of their lives. It may not last or last forever, but there’s one thing to know about this feeling: it’s heightened and bolstered by the Moon conjunct Saturn transit on March 28, 2022. Saturn lets us know our limitations, and in this case, falling in love falls somewhere the boundaries of what we can take, emotionally. During Moon conjunct Saturn, falling in love is the polar opposite of what we wish to do with our lives. For those with little experience, the idea of refusing to fall in love seems cold, unnatural, but that’s how the naive perceive that which they’ve never experienced themselves. If love has been good to you, you’d assume that all love is worth plunging into. RELATED: Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope For The Week Of March 28 - April 3, 2022 Then again, if you are someone who has the experience and can make the judgment call for yourself, then more power to you. If falling in love isn’t your thing, you have a right to feel that way. Moon conjunct Saturn lets you know that it’s always best to follow your heart on matters like this.

For three zodiac signs, heartache never goes away, and that’s why they refuse to fall in love on March 28, 2022, during the Moon conjunct Saturn transit.


(March 21 - April 19) As early as you can remember, you felt the pressure to fall in love, stay in love, create the family dynamic and tell the world of your wonderful success. Yes, that was a nice fantasy and one that you also happen to share with just about every other person on the planet. Of course, this isn’t how it works out for anybody, but we humans are so hellbent on our ideals that we sit there dumbfounded when they don’t pan out. You are dumbfounded no more, Aries, as Moon conjunct Saturn backs up your feeling of independence. Right now, love is not for you. You support anyone who wishes to go down that path because it is quite a nice path until, of course, it ends, but as for you, you know who you are and what you can tolerate. Your experience has told you to back off of love. Maybe another day, but not this one. RELATED: How Mercury In Aries Brings Good Luck To Each Zodiac Sign, March 27 - April 25, 2022


(September 23 - October 22) Love has always felt like such an overrated experience to you, and that’s not to say you haven’t been there because you have. You’ve felt all the good there is to feel from the loving experience, but unfortunately, you’ve also experienced the worst love has to offer. Heartbreak sets you back years, and you are no longer willing to give up any more precious time to someone who might hurt you. Yes, it’s that simple. If you are hurt, you feel damaged, so why bother putting yourself in that position again? Moon conjunct Saturn lets you stand strong in your convictions: you are not the person who wishes to go anywhere near ‘real’ love. Love, in your opinion, is for suckers. Sure, the stuff feels good, but you no longer trust in its longevity. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs With A Rough Horoscope The Week Of March 27 - April 2, 2022


(November 22 - December 21) Oh, the beauty that surrounds you. Do you appreciate the beauty of human beings, the thrills they give, and the ability to stand back and gaze at this wondrous creation but fall in love? As in ‘really’? Nah, that’s where the fantasy ends. Moon conjunct Saturn brings out the realist side to you, where you know that it’s better to look than to touch. Let the world feel sorry for you; let them pity you for not marching off the cliff, like a lemming, into the sea of love — that’s their choice, not yours. Your experience has told you that it’s best to love from afar and not get involved, as when reality hits, it’s always a massive disappointment. You’d rather stick to your Korean dramas than mess around with real people. After all, people on TV never criticize you, and they barely acknowledge your existence. The less they know, the less chance they will hurt you, right? RELATED: Zodiac Signs Who Are Selfish In Love During Mercury In Aries, March 27 - April 8, 2022 Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.