A happy home. Is that too much to ask for? Sometimes it sure does feel that way. We humans really don’t require much in order to be happy, and security, love, and a place to call home, well, that’s about as top of the line as it gets when you’re a human being.  Interesting transit coming up: Midheaven in Cancer. While there is no ‘Midheaven’ per se, there is the point in the sky that it represents, and when this point falls in Cancer, we think about Cancerian topics like home, lifestyle, safety. Cancer transits have a way of bringing out the longing in us, and on December 22, it will be no different. And for some zodiac signs, the yearning for happiness in the home will be all they can think about. RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Who Have The Courage To Love Again During The Moon In Leo, December 21 - 23, 2021 Whether we are in-between stages in our life where a change in the home is required, or we’ve never really had a space to call our own, the Midheaven in Cancer will have many of us longing for the day when all is well in our world and our home life is peaceful, if not filled with bliss.

Zodiac Signs Who Long For A Happy Home During The Midheaven In Cancer, December 22, 2021:


(March 21 - April 19) This is all you want and all you’ve ever wanted. You also make a great big deal about telling people that this is your top priority, however, you rarely take responsibility as to why you feel like this, or rather, why you never seem to get this request fulfilled. Family life has always been a mess for you. You love the idea of a big, happy family but you sabotage this more often than not, and you take no responsibility for your own input. What it’s starting to look like is that you enjoy the fantasy of a happy home much more than you do the reality of it, and this is because you don’t like taking responsibility for the part you play in the destruction of your present home. RELATED: These 5 Zodiac Signs Are Over-The-Top Irresponsible


(June 21 - July 22) You long for a happy home during the Midheaven in Cancer because you enjoy ideals, and the idea of a happy home seems like something out of a dream, something to aspire to have. The other side of the story is that your idea of a happy home is you, alone, comfortably set up doing what you want to do without the help of anyone else. You’re an independent person, Cancer, and you like taking time to think, and you love doing this at home, in your safe space. On occasion, you indulge in fantasy and allow yourself to think it would be nice to have someone else with you, but the truth behind that is that you really don’t want this. All you want is your safe, beautiful home: a few cats, a dog or two, and maybe a fish in a glass bowl. RELATED: Reliable Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least


(February 19 - March 10) You not only long for a happy home, but you NEED it. You are not good on your own. Oh sure, you can take care of business like a champ when you’re alone, but at the end of the day, you want to be with the person or people you love; your family. When the family dynamic gets trounced, you slip into deep fear and insecurity. The Midheaven in Cancer brings out that insecurity in your zodiac sign to a degree and makes you feel a little shakier than usual when it comes to your sensitivity on matters of the home. You are always the first to apologize, in fact, you hate the idea of conflict among family members so much that you’ll bite the bullet and take all the blame if you have to. All you want is a happy home life, and if anyone can make the effort to create such a place, it is definitely YOU. RELATED: 6 Happy Zodiac Signs Who Celebrate Life Every Day Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda