This is the perfect transit to accompany an expression like, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” And Capricorn has a tendency to make dull boys out of all of us. It’s not that Capricorn is dull, it’s that its people are driven towards success, and their work ethic often times cancels out any need for love. When Moon in Capricorn influences certain signs, these folks become preoccupied, therefore turning other people off. “Hello, anybody in there?” So, “hard to love” doesn’t mean impossible, it just means that it’s hard to love someone whose head is somewhere else. So, do not be surprised if you approach someone with whom you really want to share something loving with, who absolutely ignores you.  It’s Moon in Capricorn, and they can’t help it. Moon in Capricorn doesn’t cause harm — it’s just frustrating, in terms of communicating with the one you love.

Zodiac Signs Who Are Hard To Love During The Moon In Capricorn Starting November 7 - 9, 2021:

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Not only are you about to become consumed in some project that will make you one zillion percent out of reach of the person who wants to give you love, but you’re also going to be involved with yet another project — at the same time. Let’s face it - you’re just not social this week and that’s because you’re involved with stuff you love doing. Yes, there’s a person in your life that needs attention, and yes, yes, you know you should be showing them that you are there for them, but…but…not now. Moon in Capricorn is both blessing and a curse for you. You’ve finally found what you want to devote a ton of time to, and you are simultaneously ignoring someone who desperately wants your attention. They will label you, ‘hard to love.’ Oh well. RELATED: Which Hobby You’ll Like Most, By Zodiac Sign, Per Astrology

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

You have a little secret but you don’t know what to call it. Its name is Moon in Capricorn and the reason it’s your little secret is that it gives you what you want: time to obsess over Sagittarius things, like art, creativity, music, competition…money. This transit delivers you into that place where the world feels good and all things seem suddenly possible. The downside is that you’re not alone and the other person involved is your partner, whom you are not even conscious of. You enter your own world, and then boom - everything and everybody is gone, and that’s the way you like it best. You will be hard to love during Moon in Capricorn because you are completely unaware that your loved one is even in the room. Hard to love, much? RELATED: How Each Of The Zodiac Signs Keep Secrets

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Let’s see — a Capricorn during Moon in Capricorn - what could go wrong? NOTHING! Not for you, at least. This transit is super effective for you, as it supports all you believe in, which is work, work, work, and a little more work on the side. Gosh, you love the stuff. You are conscious that there’s another person with you. your mate, the love of your life, but they signed on for this, right? They knew who you were when they got involved, and you’ve never been anything but the true Capricorn that you are. Let ’em deal with it, they’ll get over it - but you, holy smokes. You’re on a roll and you are lovin’ it. Even as your partner chants, “hard to love, hard to love, hard to love” you’ll be happily sailing away on a cloud of ambition and work. RELATED: The Laziest Zodiac Signs (& The Most Hardworking Ones), According To Astrology Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda