We will see Saturn move into the sign of Pisces, Pluto entering Aquarius, and more exciting transits that will help us evolve in new ways. Although these transits can feel overwhelming, we have done the work through Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius. We know the impact, we’ve healed, learned and now we continue to transform into better versions of ourselves. Patience is essential with Pluto and Saturn transits. With Venus retrogrades, a deeper focus on self-love and care is necessary. Finally, Jupiter can bring us new or more love, abundance, and spiritual growth. Just make sure not to get too carried away with the expansive nature of Jupiter so we don’t have regrets. Go with the flow and incorporate more love and less bitterness.

Seven life-changing 2023 astrology predictions

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1. Jupiter enters Aries: December 20, 2022

Though this transit began at the end of 2022, its effects will last through May 16, 2023. During this time we begin to feel more energized to initiate thanks to this cardinal energy coming in full force. Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorns will feel awakened during this time. It could be a time of excitement, learning, spiritual growth, networking, and relationships. As long as we do not overdo it and know our boundaries, it could bring us a pleasant learning experience. If you started a project and then stopped when Jupiter retrograded back in Pisces, we will have an opportunity to start again. This time you will be more confident in who you are and will have more faith in your goals.

2. Mars goes direct in Gemini: January 12, 2023

Mars turned retrograde in Gemini on October 30, 2022. It has been a transit that has shifted the communication industry and digital media. During this transit, mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) felt and continue to experience the need to change how they communicate in ways that will allow them not to be frustrated. It is a transit about organization and planning, but we might get impulsive and say things crudely instead of diplomatically. The message is relayed but it lacks tact. We learn to think before speaking during this transit. Saturn in Aquarius making a trine to Mars in Gemini has allowed us to see changes in the way companies in particular (Saturn’s influence) have influenced communication (Mars in Gemini’s influence). Communication during this transit has become a form of currency. Mars retrograde early next year will be happening during a Mercury Retrograde in the sign of Capricorn. We could see more impacts on businesses since Capricorn rules companies, structure, and politics. Mars continues to cause an uproar but once it goes direct, we could see some resolutions in how we communicate on a personal and global scale.

3. Saturn enters Pisces: March 7, 2023

Mutable signs Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius will experience this energy intensely since it will be conjunct, opposing, or squaring their signs. This transit will have a different flavor compared to Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius. Here Saturn is going to show us what it means to be compassionate. No longer will we be focused on business and political aspects driving change for socio-economic purposes. Saturn in Pisces will have us come in contact with our emotional side. We will adapt lessons from Saturn in Aquarius such as the need to be humanitarian and defend those without a voice. It will involve more of us wanting to help promote the emotional well-being of others. It is a time to be more compassionate and look out for our fellow man. RELATED: 6 Subtle Ways Astrology Warns You You’re About To Experience A Midlife Crisis

4. Pluto enters Aquarius: March 23, 2023

Pluto is entering the sign of Aquarius and this is one of the most anticipated transits since Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn since 2008 when it transformed cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). Pluto is an outer planet that’s furthest from the sun and is therefore known as a generational planet as its influence generally impacts entire generations as opposed to having smaller-scale personal effects. Under Capricorn’s influence, this past Pluto transit brought about changes and upheaval in hierarchies, financial institutions, and power struggles.  Now, Pluto will be shifting gears into fixed sign territory beginning in 2023 for the first time since the 18th century. With Pluto in Aquarius, we’re more likely to see revolutionary changes toward righteousness and justice. Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpios will mostly be impacted and air signs Gemini and Libra will be able to navigate this energy favorably with the Trine. Aquarius might have a rougher time compared with their fellow air signs, but overall, this energy is about breaking free from the rigid old structures and embracing changes.

6. Jupiter enters Taurus: May 16, 2023

Jupiter will enter Taurus around May of 2023 before it retrogrades back to the sign of Aries. Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will have the opportunity to get a glimpse of what 2024 will bring them. We learn about our values with this transit and what we are willing to put up with. With Uranus causing havoc in Taurus, it could enhance the changes that Uranus is bringing. It has been uncomfortable with Saturn in Aquarius transit squaring Uranus in Taurus from 2021, but beginning in March 2023, we will not have to deal with the tense aspect. Instead, Saturn in Pisces will make a sextile to the volatile planet. With Jupiter in Taurus, we can see changes in income, more shifts in the food industry, ups and downs with financial markets, and new lessons on how to save and spend on a personal level.

6. Venus retrograde in Leo: July 23, 2023

Venus retrograde in the sign of Leo will be an interesting one. This transit will impact fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will learn how to view love through different eyes. They will have to come to terms with relationships from the past to move forward, especially if they start a new relationship during this transit. Venus in Leo is all about finding someone worthy and valuing yourself at the same time. One powerful lesson we could all expect from this transit is to never settle for less. Find someone that matches your energy and be sure to mutually respect one another for true growth and intentional love to bloom.

7. Lunar Nodes enter Aries and Libra: July 17, 20223

Finally, the Lunar Nodes shift into powerful cardinal signs Aries and Libra. Again, more of the themes from Jupiter in Aries make a play. After this transit, we can feel much braver and more confident. Cardinal signs are going to have a time of more growth and learning. Eclipses are intense and part of cycles that are reflective of endings and new beginnings. What are you willing to change in your life to bring you more independence? Are you confident in yourself? Do you feel empowered? Are you going to find partnerships that bring out the best in you? We have the ability and power to trust ourselves into making new choices that will bring us happiness and prosperity. We balance our independent identity with our co-dependent parts. Make sure to bring a balance and do not give away too much of your power for the next 18 months, especially if your big three include Aries or Libra. RELATED: The Best And Worst Years Of Your Life, According To Astrology A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.