It took me a lot of courage and a touch of folie to post my first profile on a dating site, and probably, even more, to go to my first single’s event. But after a couple of good relationships, here is what I’ve learned from the men I met: French women have a “Je ne sais quoi” that makes us attractive. RELATED: 9 Secret Mantras Sexy Women Use To Make Men Want Them As more and more women are asking my secret to report only great men in my journey, I thought hard and strong about what makes us “French girls” so “attractive " to men. Here are my 10 dating secrets on how to flirt like a French woman. They might work for you too even if you don’t have an accent.

10 Ways French Women Get All The Guys (That You Can Steal)

1. They smile, even when they’re grumpy

Maybe the Mona Lisa inspired us. Our moms pounded it into our brains since we are little: if you are a girl, it is expected from you to be pretty and smile. Smile when you are happy and still smile when you are sad. Being grumpy is never attractive and it doesn’t make your life better. Men like a girl who smiles, and you will feel better when you do.

2. They live by the mantra: “Be pretty, feel pretty.”

French women take care of their appearance. It’s called French elegance. Going out in the streets of Paris in your PJs and sneakers with no makeup is a big no-no. French women like to look pretty in any circumstances, even going to the supermarket or to the park with their kids. It is not about attracting men, but more about feeling proud of our external image as much as our internal one. On top of that, the “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” expression does also exist in French.

3. Their attitude is always glamorous. 

Talking about internal appearance, French women are often described as snotty. It is not true. We know who we are. We know our value and what we have to offer in a relationship. If you don’t want it, it’s your loss. If you want it and we want it too, you are a lucky man. French women are raised to be independent and to use their brainpower as much as their beauty.

4. They’re not afraid of men.

We are not afraid of men. Boys and girls interact from a very young age with way fewer taboos than in the U.S. If a little girl reports to her teacher that a boy is bothering her, there is a good chance that the teacher will tell her to find her solution or to fight back. Of course, if there is bullying or totally inappropriate behavior, an adult will intervene, but only as a last resort. Men, beware, for we have nails, and teeth and can kick you down with a piercing glare that is both charming and dangerous.

5. They’re wildly independent. 

We don’t need someone to make us happy and we need our space too. Look at French moms at the park with their kids: they are chatting while kids play among themselves. It helps us grow this sense of independence and adventure pretty early on. RELATED: Revealed! 10 Subtle Secrets French Women Use To Seduce Men

6. They’re desperately romantic.

French women are desperately romantic. This is a given right coming from being born French. Romantic culture is not only taught but also praised from a very young age. Do we kiss better? I don’t know but we sure enjoy it. What is also certain is that we love to flirt. A wink, a smile, and here we go.

7. They’re always sexy, never trashy.

We like being sexy. Being sensuous and sexy is not frowned upon as dirty but more praised as a way to express beautiful esthetics. And I apologize to American designers but French lingerie (and Italian ones) are definitely nicer than anything you can find in the U.S. Just be careful: sexy yes, trashy never! Don’t reveal too much; you show the appetizer but never give the dessert right away.

8. They have zero expectations.

We don’t look for Prince Charming. Let me take it back: we don’t always. Yes, we love to be in love, and finding the perfect one is on our radar; but we also enjoy friends, friends with benefits, romantic partners, and passionate flings. The word “dating” doesn’t exist in French. We have acquaintances, friends, and lovers. This “in-between game” called dating that I discovered in the U.S. simply doesn’t exist. If you kiss, you are lovers; if it ends after a couple of kisses, it is not the end of the world and there will be always another one.

9. They’re passionate.

Talking about kissing, we are Epicurean. We enjoy our food and drinks, and we enjoy kissing. Don’t tell a French girl to pass on a great dessert, serve her only the best champagne and she will be happy. Kiss her passionately and she may show you that enjoying intimacy is not an exclusive male privilege. We do too, but only with the right man.

10. They’re not hard to get; they just know their worth.

We know what we want. We know our value, but we also know what we are looking for. We want it all: the handsome, smart, successful, romantic guy who will treat us like the queen we are. And do not worry, we will be grateful for who you are. We will pay attention to be at our best every time we can, we will treat you nicely and make you feel special because you are. If not, you’re out.  One misconception is that the French are unfaithful. We are usually in committed relationships but if you are not on board, or if we don’t believe in the relationship, we will look for the next one. RELATED: Here’s Why French Women Are Sexier Than You Dr. Fabienne Slama (AKA Fab) is the founder of FabYOUlicious, an Emotional Healing Hypnotherapy and  Relationship Coaching service. This article was originally published at FabYOUlicious Blog. Reprinted with permission from the author.