But it is a common condition, one which often results from an overly protective mother (or father) — a helicopter mom, or a parent who gives their son or daughter free-range, and too much praise and attention, during childhood and adolescence. Such parental behavior is also sometimes referred to as emotional incest. RELATED: 6 Things You Can Learn From How A Man Treats His Mother Peter Pan Syndrome is traditionally thought of as a situation in which a grown man is childish and immature, despite his age. But in today’s culture, with so much helicopter parenting, it’s safe to assume that both men and women can exhibit these behaviors. Little Prince (or Princess) Syndrome is related to, but not identical to, Little Emperor Syndrome, a term that is primarily used to describe Chinese boys with no siblings who behave like little tyrants. Little Princes and Princesses, as I define them, are grown men or women who act as if they are selfish children, narcissistic teenagers, or irresponsible young adults, and feel entitled to behave as they see fit.

The following is a list of emotionally immature signs to look out for, traits typical of someone living with Little Prince or Princess Syndrome. 

(For simplicity’s sake, I use the term Little Prince below and refer to the role of mothers, not fathers, but the signs are applicable to all genders.)

1. He is in touch with his mom almost every day.

She is more “in” his life than anyone else. She checks up on him and worries about him, even though he is a grown man. She might buy his clothes and his groceries, and do his laundry for him.

2. He acts like a child, a teenager, or a person who is much younger than he is.

He might throw temper tantrums or party all night with people 10 years younger than him.

3. He acts as if women should serve him.

He expects to be taken care of and be pampered on-demand. He will happily take but never give.

4. He cannot maintain a long-term, stable romantic relationship.

Former partners end up becoming his enemies or new playmates. RELATED: The 5 Types Of Men You Should Never Fall In Love With — Ever

5. He is commitment-phobic in nearly all areas of life, despite having a needy attachment style.

It can take him six months to commit to buying a new sofa.

6. He has few, if any, close friends.

His “friends” consist mostly of his mom and the strangers he meets when out playing or partying.

7. He is often passive-aggressive.

Meaning he has a tendency to engage in an indirect expression of hostility through acts such as subtle insults, sullen behavior, stubbornness, or a deliberate failure to accomplish required tasks.

8. He is a narcissist or exhibits childish selfishness.

If something is even mildly inconvenient, he will resist doing it.

9. He is financially irresponsible.

He spends too much money playing, partying, or chasing after women.

10. He rarely thinks anything is his fault.

He blames everyone around him for everything that goes wrong in his life, even his mother if he can’t find another scapegoat. It’s unusual for a Little Prince to possess every one of these traits, so it can be hard to identify them. Their ability to lure you into their world with their childish innocence and charm makes it even trickier, but their concerned mothers, and their own irresponsibility and selfishness, eventually give them away. RELATED: Relationships Aren’t Built For Selfish People — If They’re Doing These Things, Run! Berit “Brit” Brogaard is a co-author of The Superhuman Mind. This article was originally published at Psychology Today. Reprinted with permission from the author.